コマンドオプションサンプル:grep --byte-offset


grep --byte-offset --only-matching --text foobar filename. The --byte-offset option prints the offset of each matching line. The --only-matching option makes it print offset for each matching instance instead of each matching line. The --text option makes grep treat the binary file as a text file. You can shorten it to: grep -oba foobar filename. It works in the GNU version of grep    「grep --exclude site:stackoverflow.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=grep+--byte-offset+site%3Astackoverflow.com&rkf=1
grep --byte-offset --only-matching --text foobar filename    linux - "grep" offset of ascii string from binary file - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14141008/grep-offset-of-ascii-string-from-binary-file
grep --byte-offset doesn't give me the bytes offset    grep --byte-offset doesn't give me the bytes offset? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/122945
grep --byte-offset PATTERN    grep command examples ~ Linux IQ : http://linuxadministrative.blogspot.com/2014/06/grep-command-examples.html