grep --context 3 FAIL output.log | unix - Get specific lines from a text file - Stack Overflow : | |
grep --context 5 title tmp.html | grep/egrep/fgrepコマンドのすべて【具体例編】 - Qiita : | |
grep --context 9999 'about' file-cats file-dogs file-goats | vgrep: A pager for grep : | |
grep --context option allows us to print lines around matching pattern. Below example of grep command in UNIX will print 6 lines around matching line of word "successful" in logfile.txt | 10 examples of grep command in UNIX and Linux : | |
grep --context option allows us to print lines around matching pattern. Below example of grep command in UNIX will print 6 lines around matching line of word | Practical Example of grep command in unix : |