コマンドオプションサンプル:grep --only-matching


grep --only-matching '[A-Z][a-z][a-z]    wiki – muellis blog : http://blogs.gnome.org/muelli/tag/wiki/
grep --only-matching '\([A-Za-z]\+\)[[:space:]]\1' data.txt    CIT052 - Regular Expressions : http://evc-cit.info/cit052/review_regex.html
grep --only-matching ' : http://bash.open-code.club/Linux驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D隶抵スュ・趣スヲ驛「%9D%89/E/egrep.html
grep --only-matching --byte- offset --binary --text --perl-regexp "<\x-hex pattern>" . short form: grep - obUaP "<\x-hex pattern>" . Example: grep -obUaP "\x01\x02" /bin/grep. Output (cygwin binary): 153: <\x01\x02> 33210: <\x01\x02> 53453: <\x01\x02>. So you can grep this again to extract offsets. But don't forget to use binary mode again    「grep --exclude site:stackoverflow.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=grep+--byte-offset+site%3Astackoverflow.com&rkf=1
grep --only-matching --byte-offset --binary --text --perl-regexp "<\x-hex pattern>"    Binary grep on Linux? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4180081/binary-grep-on-linux
grep --only-matching allows a caret to match after the end of a previous match instead of only at beginning of line    regular expression - Trouble with grep -o regex - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/8892/trouble-with-grep-o-regex
grep --only-matching img tmp.html    grep/egrep/fgrepコマンドのすべて【具体例編】 - Qiita : http://qiita.com/kenju/items/a73a3610011391eee252
grep --only-matching PATTERN    grep command examples ~ Linux IQ : http://linuxadministrative.blogspot.com/2014/06/grep-command-examples.html