コマンドオプションサンプル:grep -n


grep -n '' test.txt    入力と出力 | UNIX & Linux コマンド・シェルスクリプト リファレンス : http://shellscript.sunone.me/filter_etc.html
grep -n ''    ubuntu - tail -f, but with line numbers - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/109827/tail-f-but-with-line-numbers
grep -n '%% Fake commands' /tmp/fake/result/CPU2017.001.log \    Config Files - CPU2017 : http://www.spec.org/cpu2017/Docs/config.html
grep -n '(    Understanding Unix shells and environment variables, Part 2 : http://www.kingcomputerservices.com/unix_101/grep_this.htm
grep -n '\->bd_disk    tail -f /var/log/messages | grep vegard: Debugging a kernel crash found by syzkaller : http://www.vegardno.net/2016/08/sync-debug.html
grep -n '     Humdrum Toolkit User's Guide -- Chapter 3 : http://musiccog.ohio-state.edu/Humdrum/FAQ.html
grep -n '    【Linux】grepの否定で検索【vオプション】 | WEBマスターの知恵ブログ : http://webmaster.chielog.com/unix_linux/189.html
grep -n '    Chapter 3: Some Initial Processing — humdrum-tools 1 documentation : http://www.humdrum.org/guide/ch03/
grep -n '    Grep Love + Less Love | Bazz's Code Developments : http://blogs.umb.edu/michaelbazzinott001/2014/10/05/solaris-7-address-space-as-object-vs-solaris-8-plus-grep-tutorial/
grep -n '    GREP: Basic introduction to Regular expressions : http://www.rsch.tuis.ac.jp/~mizutani/online/grep/regexp.html
grep -n '    Linux Commando: How to number each line in a text file on Linux : http://linuxcommando.blogspot.com/2008/06/how-to-number-each-line-in-text-file-on.html
grep -n '    Linuxコマンドライン編 - 新人PGの学び : http://hyhyhy.muragon.com/entry/1.html
grep -n '    Regular Expressions : http://www.brunolinux.com/02-The_Terminal/Regular_Expressions.html
grep -n '    What romantic word can be made with the letters h, p, s, r, e and y? : http://www.quora.com/How-can-I-write-a-code-for-PIPE-in-C-shell-script-python
grep -n '    フィールドでgrepみたいなこと -シェルでgrepは、特定文字列を含む行を- UNIX・Linux | 教えて!goo : http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/1163158.html
grep -n '    様々なコマンド : http://sorindb.sap.u-tokai.ac.jp/pub/Linux_course/linuxA7_1.html
grep -n '10' test.list    grepコマンドの便利なオプションたち - カイワレの大冒険 Third : http://blog.masudak.net/entry/20120508/1336492285
grep -n 'Bourne' linux.tex    Searching for Stuff : http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~pjh503/linux/node21.html
grep -n 'ddd'    Windows&Mac両対応 コマンド大事典 - [find / grep]ファイル内の文字列を検索:ITpro : http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/column/15/042000103/080400022/
grep -n 'Did you mean' -- '    Gitの「もしかしてコレ?」の実装を読む - TIM Labs : http://labs.timedia.co.jp/2013/12/internal-of-git-did-you-mean.html
grep -n 'eating the little dog'    Grep - NetHack Wiki : http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Grep
grep -n 'eating the little dog'    Grep | Wikihack | FANDOM powered by Wikia : http://nethack.wikia.com/wiki/Grep
grep -n 'foo' target_file.txt    Linuxターミナル、コマンドtips その2: ファイルを見つける(locate, find)、ファイルの中身を調べる(grep) - 百日半狂乱 : http://doi-t.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/03/28/075049
grep -n 'free    How To Use grep Command (With Examples) : http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/how-to-use-grep-command-with-examples
grep -n 'keyword1'    N天学一个Linux命令之grep - huan&ping - 博客 : http://www.cnblogs.com/wadeyu/p/6035518.html
grep -n 'loom'    「grep --exclude site:stackoverflow.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=grep+--exclude+site%3Astackoverflow.com&rkf=1
grep -n 'Lorem' test.txt    grep command | InMotion Hosting : http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/linux/grep-command
grep -n 'mellon' myfile.txt    Linux Tutorial - 10. Learn Grep and Regular Expressions : http://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/cheatsheetgrep.php
grep -n 'name' test    grepでこういう時はどうする? - Socapnw : http://www.socapnw.com/113629.html
grep -n 'packet_put_cstring(password) : http://packetstorm.foofus.com/crypt/ssh/openssh/sinon.sh.txt
grep -n 'pattern' file    戯術者の日記 / grep : http://www.jp-z.jp/changelog/cat_grep.html
grep -n 'room-view'    Advanced emacs usage tips : http://www.rgrjr.com/emacs/advanced.html
grep -n 'root' /etc/passwd    Globally search a Regular Expression and Print (grep) | Swetava's Blog : http://swetava.wordpress.com/2013/09/11/globally-search-a-regular-expression-and-print-grep/
grep -n 'root' /etc/passwd    How to use grep to search for strings in files on the shell : http://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/linux-grep-command/
grep -n 'rs[0-9]' XXX.vcf    Linux - TaiChimd : http://taichimd.us/mediawiki/index.php/Linux
grep -n 'str' file1    Linuxコマンド一覧 [grep] : http://hocolamogg.com/unix/linux_com/grep.html
grep -n 'string' > found.txt    grep | GeoffStratton.com : http://www.geoffstratton.com/grep
grep -n 'string' filename    grep (english) Cheat Sheet by TME520 - Download free from Cheatography - Cheatography.com: Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion : http://www.cheatography.com/tme520/cheat-sheets/grep-english/
grep -n 'test' /path/to/file    Grep (VIDEO-TUTORIAL) | SUPINFO, École Supérieure d'Informatique : http://www.supinfo.com/articles/single/1700-grep-command
grep -n 'TYPE ( domain )    人工的な冷源を加える - A First Course in WRF : http://sites.google.com/site/afcwrf/home/a/noclould_rrtmg_lw_nest
grep -n 'Unix' file    UNIXツール : http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA003670/bash/unixtool.htm
grep -n 'word' /path/to/file    How To Use grep Command In Linux / UNIX | 3media's blog : http://www.3media.com/blog/how-to-use-grep-command-in-linux-unix/
grep -n 'word' /path/to/file    How To Use the grep Command in Linux – Linux Tips, Hacks, Tricks, and Tutorials for Beginners | ServerNoobs : http://www.servernoobs.com/how-to-use-the-grep-command-in-linux-examples/
grep -n 'word' /path/to/file    Re: simpletest vs phpunit vs ... : http://coding.derkeiler.com/Archive/PHP/comp.lang.php/2013-02/msg00079.html
grep -n 'word' /path/to/file    Uses Of Grep Command In Unix And Linux ServerWeb Hosting Blog by bodHOST : http://www.bodhost.com/blog/uses-of-grep-command-in-unix-and-linux-server/
grep -n 'word' /path    PowerCram: How To Use grep Command In Linux : http://blog.powercram.com/2010/01/how-to-use-grep-command-in-linux.html
grep -n --color'    Replace grep command with grep -n --colour? - Ask Ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/2186/replace-grep-command-with-grep-n-colour
grep -n --color "on_query_completions"    findとgrepコマンド使ってファイル内検索|とあるプログラマーのブログ : http://ameblo.jp/chicktack123/entry-11481907290.html
grep -n --color=always '    grepするときに◯◯がつくファイルを除外 - MasKのpermission denied. : http://mask.hatenadiary.com/entry/2015/06/05/112512
grep -n --color=always "    command line - Extract and process linenumber from grep due to an error in windows (because the extracted number is a string) - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1247452/extract-and-process-linenumber-from-grep-due-to-an-error-in-windows-because-the
grep -n --color=always test a.txt     GnuWin / Discussion / Help:grep --color bug : http://sourceforge.net/p/gnuwin32/discussion/74807/thread/b4059bf3/
grep -n --color=auto "    Grep結果に行番号を表示する - それマグで! : http://takuya-1st.hatenablog.jp/entry/20100316/1268739433
grep -n --max-count 10 pattern foo.pdf    pdfgrep - Manpage for 2.0.1 : http://pdfgrep.org/doc.html
grep -n -A 1 -B 1 UNIX    tips – grep で前後の行も表示させるには|てくめも@ecoop.net : http://www.ecoop.net/memo/archives/2008-01-07-1.html
grep -n -A 3 -B 3 'div.hoge'    grep で該当する行の前後も表示さす - by shigemk2 : http://www.shigemk2.com/entry/20130323/1364029932
grep -n -A2 -B4 --color python /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/    m-grep - m-grep ページ! : http://m-grep.jimdo.com/
grep -n -As ")    Meadow/Emacs memo: 全文検索 ― 日本語 grep : http://www.bookshelf.jp/soft/meadow_51.html
grep -n -B 1 "check_for_upstart" /etc/init.d/ssh    [知識の整理] 障害対応時によく使うコマンド | cloudpack.media : http://cloudpack.media/19346
grep -n -B 3 -A 2 'alias la'    コマンドによるクリップボードの活用 - NaCl非公式ブログ : http://nacl-ltd.github.io/2017/01/17/utilize-clipboard-by-command.html
grep -n -e '    Fun with "git log --grep" - gitster's journal : http://gitster.livejournal.com/27674.html
grep -n -e 'Pattern' file.txt    (Linux) 日常作業用のコマンド類メモ テキスト処理・開発環境 - OasisHalfmoon : http://oasis.halfmoon.jp/mw/index.php@title=(Linux)CommandMemo3
grep -n -e "label=    鈴木の格安パソコンライフ kiyoshi's help ver.14RC5 : http://kiyoandkei.blog68.fc2.com/blog-entry-46.html
grep -n -E : http://server-plus.net/linux驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D隶抵スュ・趣スヲ驛「%9D陝イ・ィ・・9C驛「%9D髴・94繝サ81%83驛「%9D繝サ・ャ驛「%9D繝サ・ウ驛「・ァ繝サ・ケ/驛「%9D髴・94繝サ81%83驛「・ァ繝サ・、驛「%9D繝サ・ォ髫ー・ォ陜」・コ繝サ・ス繝サ87%83繝サ・ウ繝サ・サ驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D隶抵スュ・趣スヲ驛「%9D%89/grep驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D隶抵スュ・趣スヲ驛「%9D%89/$$
grep -n -E    atom-fuzzy-grep : http://atom.io/packages/atom-fuzzy-grep
grep -n -f pattern.txt would show     Grep with wildcard in middle of word | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting : http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-and-scripting/30492-make-grep-c-display-like-grep-n.html
grep -n -f pattern.txt    【Grep】複数ファイル文字列検索ソフト【置換】 : http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1087433838/
grep -n -H -E "     : http://bumble.sourceforge.net/books/linux/linux-book.txt.html
grep -n -i "stringYouWannaFind"    search - grep a file, but show several surrounding lines? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/q/1987926
grep -n -i start    UNIX TIPS:AGATASHI's Archive : http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~agata/archive/Unix_Tips/
grep -n -o Library /usr/include/stdio.h    メモ書き - Unix系OS - FreeBSD - grep(1) : http://www.loose-info.com/main/memolist/unixsystemlike/unixsystemlike_command_grep.html
grep -n -r -s \    How I work on Mozilla code | Nicholas Nethercote : http://blog.mozilla.org/nnethercote/2014/01/02/how-i-work-on-mozilla-code/
grep -n -T root /etc/passwd /etc/group    Linux grep command - Search Strings and Text Patterns on Files | Linux Commands : http://www.linuxcommands.info/linux-grep-command/
grep -n -v     grep Basic Regular Expression, Extended Regular Expression _ _ : http://real-world-systems.com/docs/grep.1.html
grep -n -v bar examples/intro/words.txt    Linux: Finding text in a file : http://code-maven.com/slides/linux/grep
grep -n -v e sgb-words.txt    ScalaでSGBのデータ処理 : http://bach.istc.kobe-u.ac.jp/lect/ProLang/org/scala-sgb.html
grep -n -v nologin /etc/passwd > s5    Tutorial 5 All answers - linuxzoo : http://linuxzoo.net/forums/viewtopic.php@t=1304
grep -n -w -i "the" haiku.txt    The Unix Shell: Finding Things : http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/07-find/
grep -n -x '.\    Problems with grep +x and variable : bash : http://www.reddit.com/r/bash/comments/7b5hc1/problems_with_grep_x_and_variable/
grep -n '    6th : http://www.u.tsukuba.ac.jp/~sato.akira.gw/2005/6207103/6/
grep -n Displays the line numbers while displaying the result of command     Linux Operating System- Linux Terminal Commands | grep command : http://www.includehelp.com/linux-terminal-commands-grep-command.aspx
grep -n List line numbers of matches    Bourne Shell Scripting/Appendix C: Quick Reference - Wikibooks, open books for an open world : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Bourne_Shell_Scripting/Appendix_C%3A_Quick_Reference
grep -n precedes each line with the line number    LING 2050 Special Topics in Linguistics: Corpus Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh : http://www.pitt.edu/~naraehan/ling2050/lab2.html
grep -n ""my_pattern"" my_text_file    top process causing I/O : http://it.toolbox.com/question/grep-only-first-matches-of-a-pattern-033011
grep -n "/blog/archives"    grep a directory recursively (Example) : http://coderwall.com/p/sfptma/grep-a-directory-recursively
grep -n "[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]"    igrep : http://www.math.s.chiba-u.ac.jp/~matsu/emacs/emacs20/igrep.html
grep -n "\    A data cleaner's cookbook - Character encoding -2 : http://www.polydesmida.info/cookbook/CR.html
grep -n "    [シェル] Grepでand検索、or検索、not検索、正規表現、再帰的に検索、圧縮ファイル内検索、など行う - YoheiM .NET : http://www.yoheim.net/blog.php@q=20160302
grep -n "    CentOS5 で再帰的 grep しつつ、隠しファイル・ディレクトリ除外 | Flashlight Mutous : http://isthmis.me/Blog/search-command-on-centos5/
grep -n "    CGRL - Introduction to basic Unix commands : http://cgrlucb.wikispaces.com/Introduction+to+basic+Unix+commands
grep -n "    grepコマンドの使い方メモ -【Unix&Linux&Mac】 | 【デベメモドットコム】- Web制作・開発を中心にメモするブログ : http://dev-memo.com/linux/grep
grep -n "    Linuxの使い方 - ファイル操作のコマンド2(3/5) : http://merry.whitesnow.jp/SEMICMD/SECTION4/section4_3.html
grep -n "    Patrick's Tips and Tricks : http://patrickcraig.co.uk/tips/index.htm
grep -n "    Stupid /bin/bash tricks - better find + grep - Developers - The Stan Forums : http://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/stupid-bin-bash-tricks-better-find-grep/677
grep -n "    tips/66 - VimWiki : http://vimwiki.net/@'grepprg'
grep -n "    Unix Tools and Utilities : http://www.akadia.com/services/unix_tools.html
grep -n "    Using bash completion with ctags and Vim | Vim Tips Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia : http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Shell_script_to_use_grep_with_gvim
grep -n "    りなっくすなう。: findとgrepコマンドを組み合わせて全文検索 : http://tanyaolinux.blogspot.com/2012/12/findgrep.html
grep -n "2010-01-01" filename    ファイルの指定した行数以降を表示するには?:experiment:So-net blog : http://experiment.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-31
grep -n "A" data.csv    Farewell to Low-tech: UNIXコマンド4:cat, grep : http://yutakahogeta.blogspot.com/2014/10/unix.html
grep -n "ABC" myfile.txt    こまんどらいん野郎 - grep : http://www.finenc.com/technology/tech_finenet/linux/command/grep.html
grep -n "addr"    15 "grep" Command Usage Examples in Linux - Sanfoundry : http://www.sanfoundry.com/grep-command-usage-examples-in-linux/
grep -n "boo" a_file : http://www.uccs.edu/~ahitchco/grep/
grep -n "command" test.txt    Linux Tips and Tricks » 2012 » February : http://thelinuxtips.com/2012/02/
grep -n "day" test.txt    grep Command in Linux with Examples : http://www.linuxhelp.com/grep-command/
grep -n "explore" crybit_doc1    10+ useful grep command options with examples - Unix/Linux : http://www.crybit.com/grep-command-string-options/
grep -n "find"    "Web開発ツールを使いこなせ!"クリエイターの道具箱(13) grepを使った文字列検索 | マイナビニュース : http://news.mynavi.jp/article/wc-13/
grep -n "geometry"    ファイル内検索(grep) | マスクメロン : http://www.muskmelon.jp/@page_id=256
grep -n "GET / " : http://www.techscore.com/blog/2012/11/28/grep驍オ・コ繝サ・ョ驛「・ァ繝サ・ェ驛「%9D繝サ8A・ア繝サ81%99驛「%9D繝サ・ァ驛「%9D繝サ・ウ驍オ・コ驗呻スォ繝サ%86驛「・ァ陝イ・ィ繝サ%9E/
grep -n "go" demo_text 5:    15 practical grep command examples in linux : unix : http://www.slideshare.net/chinkshady/15-practical-grep-command-examples-in-linux-unix
grep -n "go" demo_text    15 Practical Grep Command Examples In Linux / UNIX : http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/03/15-practical-unix-grep-command-examples
grep -n "go" demo_text    grep line number : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/29064659/grep-line-number.html
grep -n "go" demo_text    Grep, the PowerShell way – Communary : http://communary.net/2014/11/10/grep-the-powershell-way/
grep -n "go" demo_text    Linux for freshers: Grep_Usage : http://www.linuxforfreshers.com/p/grepusage-linuxgrep-command-that-will.html
grep -n "hello" input.txt    exercism.io : http://exercism.io/exercises/csharp/grep/readme
grep -n "hoge" aaa.txt : http://dev.blog.fairway.ne.jp/grep驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D隶抵スュ・趣スヲ驛「%9D陝イ・ィ繝サ86%93驍オ・コ繝サ・、驍オ・コ%84驍オ・コ繝サ・ヲ/
grep -n "line" example-file.txt    Using grep to Exclude Lines Containing Certain Characters/Text : http://droptips.com/add-line-numbers-to-grep-output
grep -n "linux-wlan"    021.grepコマンド 特定の文字を含む行を検索する LinuxコマンドLinuxコマンドF-Jテキスト処理コマンド:UNIX/Linuxコマンド Topics Linux初心者のためのサイト : http://linux-topics.com/01linux/021grep.html
grep -n "linux-wlan"    grepコマンド|Linuxコマンド : http://www.linuxmaster.jp/linux_skill/2005/09/021grep.html
grep -n "Linux."    The grep command : http://www.learnlinux.org.za/courses/build/shell-scripting/ch03s08.html
grep -n "name" file.txt    grep command in Unix/Linux - informaticapoints : http://www.informaticapoints.com/2016/04/grep-command-in-unix.html
grep -n "NM_" sample.fa    grep | 正規表現を利用したテキストのパターン抽出 : http://bi.biopapyrus.jp/os/linux/grep.html
grep -n "pattern"    grep - Khai's personal knowledge vault. : http://khaidoan.wikidot.com/linux-grep
grep -n "PORTUGAL"    osx - grep -Pが動作しなくなった - perl - shell | CODE Q&A [日本語] : http://code.i-harness.com/ja/q/12f348f
grep -n "rahul" file    13 Awesome Linux Grep Command Examples – TecAdmin : http://tecadmin.net/grep-command-in-linux/
grep -n "saina" employee1.txt    How to use grep, egrep, frgep and rgrep command in Linux - TECHSAKH : http://www.techsakh.com/2016/02/28/use-grep-egrep-frgep-rgrep-command-linux/
grep -n "sd " labdg.vxprint    Working with grep and sed | Novell Certified Linux Professional Exam: Preliminary GNU and Unix Commands | InformIT : http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx@p=169522&seqNum=5
grep -n "search this" abc.txt    Grep And Sed Substitution Commands To The Rescue : http://blog.adityapatawari.com/2012/09/grep-and-sed-substitution-commands-to.html
grep -n "some" file1.txt    Linux tune2fs Command Examples : http://landoflinux.com/linux_find_files.html
grep -n "str_replace" admin    Linux grep Command – RoseHosting Blog : http://www.rosehosting.com/blog/linux-grep-command-examples/
grep -n "u-quark\    Search results in Shinjiro Yamaguchi : http://www-epx.phys.tohoku.ac.jp/groups/shinjiroyamaguchi/search/@sort=title&kind=wiki&howMany=20&sortDirection=reverse&startIndex=0
grep -n "unix" geekfile.txt    grep command in Unix/Linux - GeeksforGeeks : http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/grep-command-in-unixlinux/
grep -n "you" abc.txt    ソート・検索 | UNIXコマンド講座 | 有限会社ミスティーネット : http://cmd.misty.ne.jp/text/02.html
grep -n (    grepの前後行の表示 | インフラ勉強wiki : http://g-network.boo.jp/wiki/2017/04/post-436/
grep -n (line-number)    Episode 3 | Command Line TV : http://commandline.tv/episode003
grep -n .icon _social-media-links.scss    GREP or: How I Learned to Stop Searching and Love the Command Line | Hook 42 SF Bay Area Enterprise Drupal Experts : http://www.hook42.com/blog/grep-or-how-i-learned-stop-searching-and-love-command-line
grep -n /dev/null    ack-grep – A grep-like program specifically for large source trees | Ubuntu Geek : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ack-grep-a-grep-like-program-specifically-for-large-source-trees.html
grep -n [    3.14 特定の用語を検索 grep : http://cns-guide.sfc.keio.ac.jp/2001/3/3/14.html
grep -n [10.010:10.5] sorted.csv    The Power of Sorted Grep - struct.cc : http://struct.cc/blog/2011/08/10/the-power-of-sorted-grep
grep -n [aeiou][vr] marketplace    New Page 8 : http://srufaculty.sru.edu/david.dailey/unix/grepflags.html
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grep -n    4. Basic Commands : http://linuxcourse.rutgers.edu/rute/node7.html
grep -n    git grep The Search Ninja | CauseCode Technologies Pvt. Ltd. : http://causecode.com/git-grep-the-search-ninja/
grep -N 1 '    grep(1) : http://uw714doc.sco.com/ja/man/html.1/grep.1.html
grep -n 2 hoge.txt    grepを使いこなそう! (Linuxコマンド) : http://server-ope.com/@p=199
grep -n 41 mail.txt    連載UNIXの教科書 応用編〜正規表現の基礎を知る〜 | HPE 日本(日本ヒューレット・パッカード株式会社) : http://h50146.www5.hpe.com/products/software/oe/hpux/developer/column/unixtext_app01/
grep -n A hoge.txt    『*[unix]』の検索結果 - mozukumaの技術系メモ : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/mozukumamemo/touch/searchdiary@word=%2A[unix]
grep -n a work/    grepを使ってインストールされているソフトウェアを調べる! | 新卒IT文系セールスのBLOG : http://webtomoblg.net/2017/12/12/grep-rpm-yum/
grep -n a work/    Linuxで使う正規表現についてまとめました : http://eng-entrance.com/linux-command-grep
grep -n a    Linuxのコマンド一覧 | 覚え書き.com : http://write-remember.com/linux/cmd/
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grep -n apple myfile.txt    Oliver | 100 Useful Unix Commands | 15 : http://oliverelliott.org/article/computing/ref_unix/15
grep -n bash /etc/passwd    bro: just get to the point! : http://bropages.org/grep
grep -n bnx2 /var/log/dmesg     grep using examples on Linux - Fibrevillage : http://fibrevillage.com/sysadmin/39-grep-using-examples
grep -n carrot grocery.list grocery.list2    Introduction to text manipulation on UNIX-based systems : http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-unixtext/index.html
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grep -n crypt    Finding with Git - Jayway : http://blog.jayway.com/2012/01/25/finding-with-git/
grep -n danger example.txt    Learning GREP command with examples - LinuxTechLab : http://linuxtechlab.com/learning-grep-command-with-examples/
grep -n DATABASE    bash - cat * | grep something... what file is the result in? - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/285619/cat-grep-something-what-file-is-the-result-in
grep -n e file 1:mouse 4:bear 3. Print all lines that do not contain the letter e including their line numbers:    ORAFACT Text Processing. ORAFACT Searching Inside Files grep - searches for patterns within files grep [options] [[-e] pattern] filename [...] -n shows. - ppt download : http://slideplayer.com/slide/9890971/
grep -n elinuxbook /etc/passwd    BEST LINUX GREP COMMAND EXAMPLES : http://www.elinuxbook.com/best-linux-grep-command-examples/
grep -n ERROR log file    10 examples of grep command in UNIX and Linux : http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2011/06/10-examples-of-grep-command-in-unix-and.html
grep -n error test.log    grep の結果でファイル名のみ表示する - ex1-lab : http://ex1.m-yabe.com/archives/1681
grep -n exit test.sh    grep - Unix, Linux Command : http://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix_commands/grep.htm
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grep -n flin /etc/passwd    Grep : http://floppix.com/grep.html
grep -n foo    Git grep | remarkablemark : http://remarkablemark.org/blog/2017/05/07/git-grep/
grep -n gmtime_r    Git - 検索 : http://git-scm.com/book/ja/v2/Git-驍オ・コ繝サ・ョ驍オ・コ髴・94繝サ88・ェ驍オ・コ繝サ82・カ繝サ88・ェ驍オ・コ繝サ・ェ驛「%9D%84驛「%9D繝サ・シ驛「%9D繝サ・ォ-髫カ%80繝サ87%83繝サ・エ繝サ・「
grep -n gnome-session    February 2016 – The Game of Life : http://mikeb.org/2016/02/
grep -n gpio    GREPの使い方: ヒトデと珈琲 : http://starfishandcoffee.seesaa.net/article/194311644.html
grep -n grep    EmacsWiki: xgtags.el : http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/anything-grep.el
grep -n gzip nginx.conf    grepで行番号を表示する | ハックノート : http://hacknote.jp/archives/13743/
grep -n hello /dev/null     Find/grep command to find matching files, print filename, then print matching content : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/find-grep-command-to-find-matching-files-print-filename-then-print-matching-content-328036/
grep -n hello hello.txt    それゆけ!ターミナル部 第8回ファイル・ディレクトリの検索を爆速にしよう! | Geekroid : http://mynavi-agent.jp/it/geekroid/2017/01/-8.html
grep -n hoge top.v    Linuxコマンド grep 〜文字列を検索する〜 : http://linuxcom.info/linux-cmd-grep.html
grep -n hoge    『fugafuga』 unixコマンドメモ -LinuxTips- : 文字列検索 grepコマンド 使い方まとめメモ : http://blog.livedoor.jp/unixtips/archives/55124569.html
grep -n hoge    tailコマンドの使い方: UNIX/Linuxの部屋 : http://x68000.q-e-d.net/~68user/unix/pickup@grep
grep -n hoge    外部コマンド : http://www.interq.or.jp/japan/s-imai/tcltk/exec.html
grep -n if ./    ぱそくま パソコンなんでも辞典 | Linux > Linux基礎 > ファイルを探す : http://www.pasokuma.net/linux/os/base/linuxfilefind.html
grep -n img tmp.html    grep/egrep/fgrepコマンドのすべて【具体例編】 - Qiita : http://qiita.com/kenju/items/a73a3610011391eee252
grep -n is so much nicer than something like awk '    I agree that the "just curl this into bash" instructions are nightmare - on any ... | Hacker News : http://news.ycombinator.com/item@id=14692233
grep -n it haiku.txt    Software Carpentry: The Unix Shell : http://bioinformatics.sph.harvard.edu/shell-novice/06-find.html
grep -n java booklist.txt    Java code to search a file for lines matching a word / regular expression. – Javaonlineguide.net : http://javaonlineguide.net/2015/05/java-code-to-search-files-for-lines-matching-a-given-word-regular-expression.html
grep -n jezek FILES.byname >/dev/null'    Paralelizace bnych innosti v konzoli pomoci GNU Parallel : http://www.abclinuxu.cz/clanky/paralelizace-beznych-cinnosti-v-konzoli-pomoci-gnu-parallel
grep -n july filename    Unix Interview Questions on Grep Command : http://www.folkstalk.com/2011/11/unix-interview-questions-on-grep.html
grep -n kernel    When Linux Runs Out of Memory - O'Reilly Media : http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/linux/2006/11/30/linux-out-of-memory.html
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grep -n kitaura smb.conf    @IT:正規表現で使用するメタ文字を検索するには : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/flinux/rensai/linuxtips/137greplineplus.html
grep -n Linux osinfo.txt 2:This is a file containing information about Linux. 6:The GPL governs the distribution of the Linux operating system    Text Processing Commands : http://linux.die.net/abs-guide/textproc.html
grep -n Linux osinfo.txt 2:This is a file containing information about Linux. 6:The GPL governs the distribution of the Linux operating system    Text Processing Commands : http://soliton.ae.gatech.edu/classes/ae6382/documents/shell/abs-guide/textproc.html
grep -n Linux osinfo.txt 2:This is a file containing information about Linux. 6:The GPL governs the distribution of the Linux operating system    Text Processing Commands : http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/textproc.html
grep -n Linux osinfo.txt 2:This is a file containing information about Linux. 6:The GPL governs the distribution of the Linux operating system    Text Processing Commands : http://www.cybersales.cz/dox/bash/HTML/textproc.html
grep -n Linux osinfo.txt 2:This is a file containing information about Linux. 6:The GPL governs the distribution of the Linux operating system    Text Processing Commands : http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/textproc.html
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grep -n ltm pool     list pools a node is in via tmsh : http://devcentral.f5.com/questions/list-pools-a-node-is-in-via-tmsh
grep -n mail     Pattern matching across two files, Need something better than grep -f! : http://www.perlmonks.org/@node_id=882744
grep -n main    Emacs 2-10 : http://www.ysr.net.it-chiba.ac.jp/data/emacs/emacs210.html
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grep -n mojiretsu < textfile    UNIX Guide : http://www.indsys.chuo-u.ac.jp/~kato/IPEx08/UNIXGuide/unix-a.html
grep -n mojo commons-lang-2.4.pom    How do I find text in a file? - Web Tutorials - avajava.com : http://www.avajava.com/tutorials/lessons/how-do-i-find-text-in-a-file.html
grep -n mystring filename    A FAQ Style Introduction To Grep - Tutonics : http://www.tutonics.com/2012/10/a-faq-style-introduction-to-grep.html
grep -n New us_states.txt     Searching the haystack with grep · 2buntu : http://2buntu.com/articles/1495/searching-the-haystack-with-grep/
grep -n ntpd /var/log/messages    grepの検索方法のまとめ – 猫型iPS細胞研究所 : http://ips.nekotype.com/2177/
grep -n option    GrepTask (P4Ant) : http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4ant-javadoc/com/perforce/p4java/ant/tasks/GrepTask.html
grep -n pattern filename    Grep Command Tutorial For Unix - TechPaste.Com : http://www.techpaste.com/2013/01/grep-usage-bash-commands/4/
grep -n PATTERN    grep command examples ~ Linux IQ : http://linuxadministrative.blogspot.com/2014/06/grep-command-examples.html
grep -n print     : http://cai.cs.shinshu-u.ac.jp/sugsi/Lecture/HowToUnix/command-grep.html
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grep -n printf    Regular Expressions In grep - nixCraft : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grep-regular-expressions/
grep -n rev    多数あるファイルの*行目だけを引っ張ってきて標準出力させたい - ZDNet Japan : http://japan.zdnet.com/article/20361184/
grep -n root /etc/passwd 1:root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash 12:operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin cathy    Examples using grep : http://linuxreviews.org/beginner/Bash-Beginners-Guide/en/x2600.html
grep -n root /etc/passwd    "logrotate" ローテーションの実行タイミング @LCD -Linux Command Dictionary-|Replog!株式会社レップワンスタッフによるブログです : http://www.rep1.co.jp/staff/200vcxg/217rav/grep_lcd_-linux_command_dictio.htm
grep -n root /etc/passwd    Examples for daily usage of the grep command - Linux Audit : http://linux-audit.com/grep-commands-and-common-examples-for-daily-use/
grep -n sleep unistd.h    More UNIX/LINUX rules : http://web.cs.iastate.edu/~cs104/notes/unix2.html
grep -n sm_strlcpy dkim-filter.c    Notes: Favorite GNU/Linux Commands : http://erikberg.com/notes/linuxtips.html
grep -n Statement    IPA ISEC セキュア・プログラミング講座:C/C++言語編 第10章 著名な脆弱性対策:コマンド注入攻撃対策 : http://www.ipa.go.jp/security/awareness/vendor/programmingv2/contents/c909.html
grep -n suzuki address1.txt    UNIXコマンドの使い方 : http://www.gi.ce.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/user/susaki/command/c_grep.html
grep -n test httpd-vhosts.conf    grepについて - よくわからないエンジニア : http://www.unknownengineer.net/entry/2016/10/18/113341
grep -n test sample.txt    Tera Termマクロによるファイルの送信と受信 - システム開発メモ : http://progmemo.wp.xdomain.jp/archives/1116
grep -n test    [Vim]:grepの使い方(quickfixリストの移動方法など) | Coffee Breakにプログラミング備忘録 : http://to-developer.com/blog/@p=1462
grep -n test1 test.conf    grepで検索した行の前後も表示する方法 - 気軽に楽しくプログラムと遊ぶ : http://tamata78.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/03/03/130555
grep -n text filepattern    Using the grep command line command - Tutorial : http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/UnixGrep/article.html
grep -n text files Print line number also    Unix / Linux - Text Manipulation & Comparison Commands | Jonathan Hui : http://www.jonathanhui.com/unix-linux-text-manipulation-comparison-commands
grep -n TODO -- 'src/AppBundle/Entity/Serca/obtenerStock.php'     T7091 Grep Linter : http://secure.phabricator.com/T7091
grep -n token filename    How the Mighty have Fallen, or How I learned to love GREP. | iabdb : http://iabdb.me/2017/05/29/how-the-mighty-have-fallen-or-how-i-learned-to-love-grep/
grep -n toto    Regex BoundariesWord Boundaries and More : http://www.rexegg.com/pcregrep-pcretest.html
grep -n unencumbered UNLICENSE    Have a --count option that counts occurrences instead of matched lines: 揃 Issue #566 揃 BurntSushi/ripgrep 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/243
grep -n unix examplefile.txt    10 UNIX Grep Command Examples of How to Search a File for a Pattern : http://www.livefirelabs.com/unix_commands/10-unix-grep-command-examples-of-how-to-search-a-file-for-a-pattern.htm
grep -n Unix file    The UNIX School: grep vs awk : 10 examples of pattern search : http://www.theunixschool.com/2012/09/grep-vs-awk-examples-for-pattern-search.html
grep -n we gettysburg-address.txt    A collection of Unix/Linux ‘grep’ command examples | alvinalexander.com : http://alvinalexander.com/unix/edu/examples/grep.shtml
grep -n with better formatting. You can also redirect to a file (> output.txt) or the clipboard (    Shell Tricks: Quick line numbering - BrettTerpstra.com : http://brettterpstra.com/2015/11/24/shell-tricks-quick-line-numbering/
grep -n word filename1 filename2 filename3    Is Glark a Better Grep? | Linux.com | The source for Linux information : http://www.linux.com/learn/beginning-grep-linux-sysadmins
grep -n xmmap    Git Book - Поиск с Git Grep : http://uleming.github.io/gitbook/4_繝サ%90雋・99繝サ・セ繝サ%90繝サ・ク繝サ%91%81繝サ%90繝サ・コ_繝サ%91繝サ・シgit_grep.html
grep -n xyz    usr_12 - Vim日本語ドキュメント : http://vim-jp.org/vimdoc-ja/quickfix.html
grep -n xyz    Vim documentation: quickfix : http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/quickfix.html
grep -n:    Access grep from python « Python recipes « ActiveState Code : http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577069-access-grep-from-python/
grep -n : http://basicitknowledge.wordpress.com/2011/12/03/grep驍オ・コ繝サ・ァ繝サ99・ヲ隴エ・ァ繝サ84%9A繝サ99・ヲ繝サ・ィ繝サ81%89繝サ・コ/