コマンドオプションサンプル:grep -o


grep -o '"/jira/secure/attachment/[0-9]    Jenkins Script - Apache Hive - Apache Software Foundation : http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Jenkins+Script
grep -o '">    JKもびっくり!!ゴリ押しでシェルスクリプトを実行してみたった : http://routecompass.net/shell-doraemon/
grep -o '"access_token":"[    How to Cancel or Refund Payments - MercadoPago Developers : http://www.mercadopago.com.br/developers/en/solutions/payments/basic-checkout/refund-cancel/
grep -o '"filename":"[     Permanent log archives · Papertrail log management : http://help.papertrailapp.com/kb/how-it-works/permanent-log-archives/
grep -o '"messages"\:[0-    Archer統合:RSA Archer統合のトラブルシューティング | RSA Link : http://community.rsa.com/docs/DOC-72517
grep -o '(((http(s)    grep command : http://www.softpanorama.info/Tools/grep.shtml
grep -o '(((http(s)    grep command : http://www.softpanorama.org/Tools/grep.shtml
grep -o '(    Sed, Grep and Awk : http://www.redspin.com/it-security-blog/2009/07/sed-grep-and-awk/
grep -o '(Passed    lo-tech » Tag » APC UPS : http://www.lo-tech.co.uk/tag/apc-ups/
grep -o '(tags     : http://bumble.sourceforge.net/books/linux/linux-book.txt.html
grep -o '...'\' isn't. BusyBox sed and awk are also buggy with \    Regex - Alpine Linux : http://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Regex
grep -o '...    Issues with GitLab CE Docker Upgrade - Upgrade - GitLab Community Forum : http://forum.gitlab.com/t/issues-with-gitlab-ce-docker-upgrade/13505
grep -o '.\    Speed up grep searches with LC_ALL=C | InMotion Hosting : http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/ssh/speed-up-grep-searches-with-lc-all
grep -o '/usr/lib     6.10. ツールチェーンの再調整 : http://archive.linux.or.jp/JF/JFdocs/LFS-BOOK/chapter06/readjusting.html
grep -o '[()]' : http://2048.fi/shellalt.txt
grep -o '[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]    Grep to Extract E-Mail Addresses From a Text File - Rietta : http://rietta.com/blog/2013/10/11/grep-extract-e-mail-addresses-from-a-text-file/
grep -o '[[:alpha:]]    Bugs in package grep (version 3.1-2) in unstable -- Debian Bug report logs : http://bugs.debian.org/662629
grep -o '[[:digit:]]    command line - How do I fetch only numbers in grep? - Ask Ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/184204/how-do-i-fetch-only-numbers-in-grep
grep -o '[     : http://sql2gremlin.com/
grep -o '[    #SECCON の問題 Vigenere を #シェル芸 で解きます th0x0472.log/ウェブリブログ : http://th0x0472.at.webry.info/201612/article_1.html
grep -o '[    Commands tagged grep | commandlinefu.com : http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/tagged/163/grep
grep -o '[    Grepの「-o」オプションを活用し最後に一致した要素だけ出力する - Bye Bye Moore : http://shuzo-kino.hateblo.jp/entry/2015/04/13/222924
grep -o '[    moosh : http://moosh-online.com/commands/
grep -o '[0-9]'    Linux - grepコマンドで「/」直下から再帰的に文字列検索をすると固まる(94369)|teratail : http://teratail.com/questions/107898
grep -o '[0-9]\+'    agent Archives - : http://blog.pandorafms.org/tag/agent/
grep -o '[0-9]+\.[0-9\.]+')"    scripts/ver_linux - kernel/msm - Git at Google : http://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+/android-msm-angler-3.10-n-preview-2/scripts/ver_linux
grep -o '[0-9]    Bash one-liners for cPanel servers - The Blog Of Matt Jung : http://mattjung.net/bash/
grep -o '[0-9]    SVN UUID の不一致と SVN のデータ同期 - Cisco : http://www.cisco.com/c/ja_jp/support/docs/wireless/policy-suite-wi-fi/119326-technote-cps-00.html
grep -o '[0-9]    Ubuntu や Ubuntu 系システムのデスクトップセッション : http://www.kunihikokaneko.com/free/linux/desktop.html
grep -o '[0-9]    View topic - Thumbos - Load disk images to your thumbdrive - Programming : http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewtopic.php@f=23&t=9610
grep -o '[0-9    Get cURLy: 10 Useful Things You Can Do With cURL : http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/get-curly-10-useful-things-can-curl/
grep -o '[0-9a-f]\    Grep活用術 - ソフトウェアエンジニアリング - Torutk : http://www.torutk.com/projects/swe/wiki/Grep髮趣ス「繝サ・サ繝サ80%95繝サ・ィ繝サ99・ヲ%93
grep -o '[01234567]    grep running linux : http://www.perpetualpc.net/srtd_grep.html
grep -o '[A-Z]'    Question #143136 : Questions : grep package : Ubuntu : http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grep/+question/143136
grep -o '[A-Za-z]'    grep之染色 : http://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/19593780
grep -o '[A-Za-z0-9    メールに自動応答してみる │ Junk Works : http://www.junk-works.science/automatic-response-to-mail/
grep -o '\b'    grep expression - C++ Forum : http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/unices/153781/
grep -o '\b(25[0-5]    grep に --only-matching オプションとかあって驚愕している - 理系学生日記 : http://kiririmode.hatenablog.jp/entry/20140818/p1
grep -o '\bUnix\b' file    The UNIX School: How to find the total count of a word / string in a file? : http://www.theunixschool.com/2012/10/how-to-find-total-count-of-word-string.html
grep -o '    crosh/run_tests.sh - chromiumos/platform2 - Git at Google : http://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform2/+/master/crosh/run_tests.sh
grep -o '    grep - The meaning of * in Basic regex versus Extended regex - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/497312/the-meaning-of-in-basic-regex-versus-extended-regex
grep -o '    grep output to build folders with mkdir | Linux.org : http://www.linux.org/threads/grep-output-to-build-folders-with-mkdir.10446/
grep -o '    sshコマンドでリモートでコマンドを叩く時、クォーテーションをどこまでエスケー... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q12175575492@__ysp=ImdyZXAgLW8i
grep -o '    シェルスクリプトTips : http://sys-guard.com/yuu_linux/02-05.php
grep -o '    【問題と解答】jus共催 第30回危念シェル芸勉強会 | 上田ブログ : http://b.ueda.tech/@post=01127
grep -o '    開眼シェルスクリプト2013年1月号 – 上田ブログ : http://blog.ueda.tech/@p=1127
grep -o '64'    Howto: Thinclient - Basesystem for Gentoo Linux : http://doc.gabosh.net/howto_Thinclient_Basesystem.html
grep -o 'Airwave Shared    HARVESTING PASSWORDS FROM ARUBA CONFIGS | BYTESDARKLY : http://bytesdarkly.com/2016/08/harvesting-passwords-from-aruba-configs/
grep -o 'ANSWER: [0-9]\+'    bash script examples ~ Zimbra Mail Server,linux,bash script,centos,linux command : http://www.huuphan.com/2016/12/bash-script-examples.html
grep -o 'd+' output    Select-String and Grep | PowerShell Team Blog : http://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/powershell/2008/03/23/select-string-and-grep/
grep -o 'Download:    aMule and amulecmd remote monitoring - verot.net : http://www.verot.net/amule_monitor.htm@lang=en-GB
grep -o 'F[0-9]     Grep with wildcard in middle of word | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting : http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-and-scripting/138197-print-only-matching-words.html
grep -o 'foo    Negation in regular expressions « Open Source Research and Development : http://osrd.org/projects/grep/negation-in-regular-expressions
grep -o 'GET [    [shell-fu:grep]$ : http://www.shell-fu.org/lister.php@tag=grep
grep -o 'GetProperty\w    Geany : http://www.geany.org/manual/current/
grep -o 'host:[0-9.]+' access.log    pcregrepコマンドを使ってみる : http://takeshiyako.blogspot.com/2016/08/pcregrep.html
grep -o 'href="[    Mitzyuki's Blog :: grep -o : http://blog.bsdhack.org/index.cgi/Computer/20131111.htm
grep -o 'href="http[    Create a Bash Shell script to download a site's favicon with HTTPie - CodeBlocQ : http://www.codeblocq.com/2016/01/Create-a-Bash-Shell-script-to-download-a-site-s-favicon-with-HTTPie/
grep -o 'http://     [Ubuntu 8.04] Using grep to find text in 40 GB file - weird error [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1128886.html
grep -o 'inet [0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+'    linuxで自分のIPアドレス文字列を抽出するための13のコマンド | mooapp : http://moomindani.wordpress.com/2014/09/17/linux-command-ip-address/
grep -o 'mms://video.djtacho.com/onlineBTV\-hq    Regular expresion and grep - CentOS : http://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php@t=582
grep -o 'pattern' anc.annots.gff    BOL: Wire posts tagged with 'Grep' : http://bioinformaticsonline.com/thewire/tag/Grep
grep -o 'request_id="[    Searching the error logs to troubleshoot problems | Acquia Help Center : http://docs.acquia.com/article/memory-consumption-tracking-tools
grep -o 'ruby ([    Enhance your terminal prompt to show current Ruby version (Example) : http://coderwall.com/p/pbsdyq/enhance-your-terminal-prompt-to-show-current-ruby-version
grep -o 'string' filename    grep (english) Cheat Sheet by TME520 - Download free from Cheatography - Cheatography.com: Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion : http://www.cheatography.com/tme520/cheat-sheets/grep-english/
grep -o 'the' ham.txt    Basics of grep : http://www.compciv.org/recipes/grep/basics-of-grep/
grep -o 'UUID=[-A-Za-z0-9]    Bug #9231 “grep: -i --color will not color matches when pattern ...” : Bugs : grep package : Ubuntu : http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/15051
grep -o -- "-v\    _ : http://www.midgard.jp/blog/archives/2015/03/index.html
grep -o --byte-offset... to get the offset of the exact word (this is what I need)    grep --byte-offset doesn't give me the bytes offset? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/122945
grep -o --color 'word' file    Re: simpletest vs phpunit vs ... : http://coding.derkeiler.com/Archive/PHP/comp.lang.php/2013-02/msg00079.html
grep -o --line-buffered '00:00:00:00:00:00     using grep -o to filter two strings : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/using-grep-o-to-filter-two-strings-4175582756/
grep -o -3    Quick Man Page Lookup | chrispoole.com : http://chrispoole.com/article/quick-man-page-lookup/
grep -o -a dialout    Sharing my use of I2C GPIOs - Raspberry Pi Forums : http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php@t=191906
grep -o -b Displays only matched string with their positions     Linux Operating System- Linux Terminal Commands | grep command : http://www.includehelp.com/linux-terminal-commands-grep-command.aspx
grep -o -b "3" temp-file.txt 2:3 8:3 Note: The output of the grep command above is not the posiQon in the line    15 practical grep command examples in linux : unix : http://www.slideshare.net/chinkshady/15-practical-grep-command-examples-in-linux-unix
grep -o -b "3" temp-file.txt    15 Practical Grep Command Examples In Linux / UNIX : http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/03/15-practical-unix-grep-command-examples
grep -o -b "3" temp-file.txt    Grep, the PowerShell way – Communary : http://communary.net/2014/11/10/grep-the-powershell-way/
grep -o -b "3" temp-file.txt    Linux for freshers: Grep_Usage : http://www.linuxforfreshers.com/p/grepusage-linuxgrep-command-that-will.html
grep -o -b "for" test_file1.txt    How to perform pattern search in files using Grep : http://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-perform-pattern-search-in-files-using-grep/
grep -o -b "string" file.txt    Grep Command in Unix and Linux Examples : http://www.folkstalk.com/2012/01/grep-command-in-unix-examples.html
grep -O -b _entity_poly.type /pdb/mmCIF    Utilities — Gemmi 0.1.0dev documentation : http://gemmi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/utils.html
grep -o -b purple colors    The many faces of grep | Network World : http://www.networkworld.com/article/3171930/linux/the-many-faces-of-grep.html
grep -o -b     Presentation on Grep |authorSTREAM : http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/belide-1558349-presentation-grep/
grep -o -b    grep Command in Linux with Examples : http://www.linuxhelp.com/grep-command/
grep -o -b    Grep Command In Unix : Linux Basic Command - HostKarle Blog : http://www.hostkarle.in/blog/grep-command-in-unix-linux-basic-command
grep -o -e '--with-http_realip_module'    ELB や CloudFront を挟んだら ngx_http_realip_module / mod_remoteip も忘れずに設定する : http://blog.manabusakai.com/2016/11/nginx-realip-apache-remoteip/
grep -o -e '[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+'    ドメイン名から正引きしてから逆引きをするスクリプト : http://www.vincentina.net/@p=2815
grep -o -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ \]'    旧・ラフなラボ: 「第4回春爛漫シェル芸人撩乱勉強会&第22回勝手に新歓定例会」に参加してきたよー! : http://laugh-labo.blogspot.com/2013/04/4.html
grep -o -E '[0-9]    Introduction to Linux Grep Command With Examples - Poftut : http://www.poftut.com/introduction-to-linux-grep-command-with-examples/
grep -o -E 'https    webmention-implementation-guide - IndieWeb : http://indieweb.org/webmention-implementation-guide
grep -o -E -e "    Generating List Of Mustache Tags In A Template – vilimblog : http://vilimpoc.org/blog/2012/12/07/generating-list-of-mustache-tags-in-a-template/
grep -o -e "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]"    grepでマッチした部分だけを取り出す | dreamedge.net : http://www.dreamedge.net/archives/167
grep -o -e "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+"    Memo/Linux - DEX Lab : http://dexlab.net/pukiwiki/index.php@Memo%2FLinux
grep -o -E "     Useful Bash Commands To Handle Fasta Files : http://www.biostars.org/p/17680/
grep -o -E "    質問!ITmedia - 連続で複数の単語をGREPしたい : http://qa.itmedia.co.jp/qa8192132.html
grep -o -E "AVL[A-Z][0-9]    Linux notes | Kit Menke's Blog : http://kitmenke.com/blog/2017/09/24/linux-notes/
grep -o -e "cite    The Dyer Laboratory – Goings on in population genetics. : http://dyerlab.bio.vcu.edu/
grep -o -e "eth[0-9]\+"    シェルスクリプト : http://www.hongo.wide.ad.jp/exp/2012w/shellscript.html
grep -o -E "your expression" file    gvfs-mount - Mounts the locations | linux commands examples : http://www.linux-commands-examples.com/grep
grep -o -E ..    grepコマンドのAオプションが使えない - Linux系OS 解決済み| 【OKWAVE】 : http://okwave.jp/qa/q8970870.html
grep -o -e [0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+:[0-9]\+ ip.txt    ファイルの指定した行数以降を表示するには?:experiment:So-net blog : http://experiment.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-01-24
grep -o -e \(    コマンドgrepで正規表現に一致した文字列を抜き出す - JoyPlotドキュメント : http://joyplot.com/documents/2016/08/23/grep_extract_string/
grep -o -e nakamura FILE    意外と知らない grep コマンドのオプション | バシャログ。 : http://bashalog.c-brains.jp/12/04/12-183944.php
grep -o -E     » Extract email addresses from a line with Grep : http://serendipity.ruwenzori.net/index.php/2007/01/23/extract-email-addresses-from-a-line-with-grep
grep -o -eapple -eyuzu itemtext.txt    grep コマンド – 文字列検索やパターンマッチしたファイル検索 | Linuxコマンド.NET : http://linuxcommand.net/grep/
grep -o -f - /p4/journal    Perforce Public Knowledge Base - Useful one-line scripts : http://answers.perforce.com/articles/KB/7532
grep -o -f - data.txt    osx - grep -Pが動作しなくなった - perl - shell | CODE Q&A [日本語] : http://code.i-harness.com/ja/q/1367ea2
grep -o -l    grep -o -l - Please Sleep : http://please-sleep.cou929.nu/grep-o-option.html
grep -o -m 1 "wta" /usr/share/dict/words -o would print only the word -m 1 would stop at the line where the fir... view the full answer    Linuxzoo Pipes Questions: Write The Commands That ... | Chegg.com : http://www.chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/linuxzoo-pipes-questions-write-commands-execute-following-question-6-using-grep-use-grep-u-q20549741
grep -o -P '    grep 拡張子、サブディレクトリ - 開発者メモ : http://paqalex.blog133.fc2.com/blog-entry-32.html
grep -o -P '    Re: grep --perl-regexp and empty match : http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-utils/2003-07/msg00085.html
grep -o -P 'th    search - grep a file, but show several surrounding lines? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/q/1546711
grep -o -P "(     snakemake / Snakemake / issues / #638 - external job id not correctly retrieved in cluster mode — Bitbucket : http://bitbucket.org/snakemake/snakemake/issues/638/external-job-id-not-correctly-retrieved-in
grep -o -P "[regex_pattern]" [filename]     Parsing Out Specific Values In a Text File – Chris Schuld : http://chrisschuld.com/2007/08/parsing-out-specific-values-in-a-text-file/
grep -o -P    grep -o -P - No one sees the real me : http://naoki1123.hatenadiary.jp/entry/2017/08/16/014355
grep -o -u    Solved: ubuntu spotify client suggestion - The Spotify Community : http://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux-Windows-Web-Player/ubuntu-spotify-client-suggestion/td-p/485046
grep -o -u    USB 3G モデム - ArchWiki : http://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/Spotify
grep -o -w -q 'lm' /proc/cpuinfo    Puppy Linux Supported Architectures : http://puppylinux.com/arch.html
grep -o -w "word1\    Word Search Using grep and AWK | Open Source Development : http://paramitech.com/word-search-using-grep-and-awk/
grep -o "\([0-9]\+\):"    How to "inject" the current mercurial revision into your JS load requests : http://leonard.io/blog/2009/03/how-to-inject-the-current-mercurial-revision-into-your-js-files/
grep -o "('json'    天泣記 : http://www.a-k-r.org/d/2016-08.html
grep -o "/[    Linux Commands Examples - Awesome Tech : http://awesome-tech.readthedocs.io/linux-commands-examples/
grep -o "/v     : http://hub.docker.com/r/continuumio/miniconda3/~/dockerfile/
grep -o "[[:alnum:]]" file    grep vs AWK vs Ruby, and a uniq disappointment | The Linux Rain : http://www.thelinuxrain.com/articles/grep-vs-awk-vs-ruby-and-a-uniq-disappointment
grep -o "[[:alnum:]_-]+    Grep All Email Addresses from a Text File Using Regular Expressions : http://www.putorius.net/2011/12/grep-all-email-addresses-from-text-file.html
grep -o "[[:punct:]]" filename    Is Glark a Better Grep? | Linux.com | The source for Linux information : http://www.linux.com/learn/beginning-grep-linux-sysadmins
grep -o "[    A data cleaner's cookbook - Character encoding -2 : http://www.polydesmida.info/cookbook/encoding2.html
grep -o "[0-9]"    Managing public and private groups | PACKT Books : http://www.packtpub.com/books/content/linux-shell-scripting-驕ッ・カ%93-various-recipes-help-you
grep -o "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+" >    Brute Force Attack対策(iptables) : http://ry.tl/brute_force_attack_iptables.html
grep -o "[0-9]\    What romantic word can be made with the letters h, p, s, r, e and y? : http://www.quora.com/What-is-the-most-useful-Grep-Sed-Awk-combination-you-wrote
grep -o "[0-9] : http://htmelek.republika.pl/download/.conkyrc
grep -o "[a-z]+"    grepコマンドの覚え書き - 試験運用中なLinux備忘録 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kakurasan/20080731/p1
grep -o "[a-zA-Z\\.]    Grep is just not for matching lines anymore – Daniel Lemire's blog : http://lemire.me/blog/2005/11/16/grep-is-just-not-for-matching-lines-anymore/
grep -o "[l    Unix / Linux: Count Occurrences of Character in String - Stack Pointer : http://stackpointer.io/unix/unix-linux-count-occurrences-character-string/531/
grep -o "\    Hook - Mercurial : http://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Hook
grep -o "\d    Springerexemplar の grep - Reproc.pnz : http://penzant.hatenadiary.com/entry/2017/01/08/000000
grep -o "\S    bash - シェルやgrepコマンドなどでデータを集計する方法 - スタック・オーバーフロー : http://ja.stackoverflow.com/questions/32498/驛「・ァ繝サ・キ驛「・ァ繝サ・ァ驛「%9D繝サ・ォ驛「・ァ%84grep驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D隶抵スュ・趣スヲ驛「%9D陝イ・ィ繝サ86%91驍オ・コ繝サ・ゥ驍オ・コ繝サ・ァ驛「%9D%87驛「%9D繝サ・シ驛「・ァ繝サ・ソ驛「・ァ陝カ%9D陝・94繝サ9A・ェ繝サ8C・サ繝サ98%86驛「・ァ繝サ8C・コ陝・ソ髮・95%95
grep -o "\w     Troubleshooting with Java Logs -The Ultimate Guide to Logging : http://www.loggly.com/ultimate-guide/troubleshooting-with-java-logs/
grep -o "     Use grep with regular expression to extract specific substring (-o, –only-matching) : http://www.thinkplexx.com/learn/snippet/shell/one-liner/use-grep-with-regular-expression-to-extract-specific-substring-o-only-matching
grep -o "    .::<kuxas>::. Useful Ubuntu Linux Commands : http://www.kuxas.com/view22/useful-ubuntu-linux-commands
grep -o "    4 unix commands I abuse every day - Tom Limoncelli's EverythingSysadmin Blog : http://everythingsysadmin.com/2012/09/unorthodoxunix.html
grep -o "    grepコマンドの使い方メモ -【Unix&Linux&Mac】 | 【デベメモドットコム】- Web制作・開発を中心にメモするブログ : http://dev-memo.com/linux/grep
grep -o "    How to grep directories : http://www.geekinterview.com/question_details/55489
grep -o "    unix shell script - search string and formatting to json (GNU/Linux forum at Coderanch) : http://coderanch.com/t/648716/os/unix-shell-script-search-string
grep -o "    Using bash completion with ctags and Vim | Vim Tips Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia : http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Using_bash_completion_with_ctags_and_Vim
grep -o "
   日経会社情報のサイトから株価を自動取得するスクリプトを作った - シュンカの日記 : http://www.wanna-continue.com/entry/auto_get_stock_information
grep -o "
   君は、grep -o オプションを知っているか?(grepでマッチした部分のみ抽出、後方参照の¥0) - それマグで! : http://takuya-1st.hatenablog.jp/entry/20121112/1352750670
grep -o "    Big Sky :: 別のプロセスの動的な環境変数を盗み取る : http://mattn.kaoriya.net/software/linux/20121128204539.htm
grep -o "DisplayVer    Extension Attribute to find a plist/ini version info for the JunosPulse.app - Jamf Nation : http://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/10407/extension-attribute-to-find-a-plist-ini-version-info-for-the-junospulse-app
grep -o "from=<.+>"    送信できずにキューに詰まってたメールを検索 | ハックノート : http://hacknote.jp/archives/21673/
grep -o "ha"    linux - Counting number of occurrences of a string in all files in a folder - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1051834/counting-number-of-occurrences-of-a-string-in-all-files-in-a-folder
grep -o "http:    Fun in the Terminal With Lynx – CodeBangers : http://codebangers.com/fun-in-the-terminal-with-lynx/
grep -o "http:    Lynx. Web data extraction : http://www.kompx.com/en/lynx-web-data-extraction.htm
grep -o "in[a-z]" test.txt    Linux Tips and Tricks » 2012 » February : http://thelinuxtips.com/2012/02/
grep -o "inet    15 "grep" Command Usage Examples in Linux - Sanfoundry : http://www.sanfoundry.com/grep-command-usage-examples-in-linux/
grep -o "INSERT INTO .+ VALUES" masterdata.sql    開発者として覚えておきたいmysqldumpのオレオレ実践Tips | hirobanex.net : http://hirobanex.net/article/2013/08/1377242271
grep -o "P    Linux Commands - grep : http://resources.eleiss.com/learn-linux-commands/text-extraction-commands/grep
grep -o "PROTO=    Bash One-Liners :: bashoneliners.com : http://www.bashoneliners.com/
grep -o "regexp" file_name    10+ useful grep command options with examples - Unix/Linux : http://www.crybit.com/grep-command-string-options/
grep -o "s3    3 Quick Tips For Faster AWS Scripting | Eyeview : http://www.eyeviewdigital.com/tech/3-quick-tips-faster-aws-scripting/
grep -o "something" 22.log    Grepping a file without using cat, and other grep tricks | Benjamin Cane : http://bencane.com/2013/08/19/grepping-a-file-without-using-cat-and-grep-other-tricks/
grep -o "start-    grep Tricks » ADMIN Magazine : http://www.admin-magazine.com/Archive/2014/24/Coming-to-grips-with-grep
grep -o "test[    Grep notes | mindspill.net : http://mindspill.net/computing/linux-notes/grep-notes/
grep -o "unix" geekfile.txt    grep command in Unix/Linux - GeeksforGeeks : http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/grep-command-in-unixlinux/
grep -o "Unix"    Top 30 UNIX command Interview Questions asked in Investment Banks : http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2011/05/unix-command-interview-questions.html
grep -o "url\"\:\"[    「たった一行でもっと高画質の画像を集める方法」のシェルスクリプトコード解説 - Hack Your Design! : http://blog.toshimaru.net/sh3iz/
grep -o (which also should be benchmarked separately    "grep -r " lover here. I'm dumping grep -r for "ripgrep" ("rg" as i use it. ) It's amazingly faster. Will save you many time over the time it takes to install, and installing was easy. : linux : http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/5nea8b/grep_r_lover_here_im_dumping_grep_r_for_ripgrep/
grep -o .    New Page 8 : http://srufaculty.sru.edu/david.dailey/unix/echo.htm
grep -o .    第30回シェル芸勉強会 大阪サテライト@さくらインターネット大阪本社に午後から参加しました - @znz blog : http://blog.n-z.jp/blog/2017-08-26-usptomo-osaka.html
grep -o [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]    フィールドでgrepみたいなこと -シェルでgrepは、特定文字列を含む行を- UNIX・Linux | 教えて!goo : http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/6957391.html
grep -o [a-z]    grepの-oオプションと-Pオプションの組み合わせが便利 - Gre's Blog : http://greymd.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/09/27/154305
grep -o \btoto\w\b    Regex BoundariesWord Boundaries and More : http://www.rexegg.com/pcregrep-pcretest.html
grep -o \u76f8\u5f53\u306e\u30aa\u30d7\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\""    柞刈湯葉(イスカリユバ)さんのツイート: "【募集】ag で grep -o 相当のオプション" : http://twitter.com/yubais/status/674548128981225472
grep -o : http://blog.desumachi.tk/2016/08/27/繝サ9A・ィ繝サ・ャ24繝サ9D%97隶抵スュ繝サ81%99驛「・ァ繝サ・ァ驛「%9D繝サ・ォ繝サ97%83繝サ・ク繝サ9C%8D繝サ89%99繝サ・シ繝サ・キ繝サ8E・ィ陞「・ケ繝サ86%93繝サ9C・ソ繝サ82%87繝サ88%88驍オ・コ繝サ8A・ア繝サ80・サ驍オ・コ繝サ98・ェ繝サ88・ェ驍オ・コ繝サ90・カ繝サ97%86/
grep -o : http://orebibou.com/2017/11/驛「・ァ繝サ・キ驛「・ァ繝サ・ァ驛「%9D繝サ・ォ繝サ97%83繝サ・ク驍オ・コ繝サ・ァ髫エ%81%87繝サ9F%84繝サ80%9C%88繝サ8A・ア繝サ%92髫エ%81繝サ87%8A繝サ%81驍オ・コ繝サ・ォ繝サ99・ヲ繝サ・ィ繝サ81%89繝サ・コ驛「%9D繝サ・サ繝サ9E%9F繝サ94・サ繝サ8B・、驍オ・コ繝サ90・カ繝サ%8B/
grep -o     続・ラフなラボ– 久々に第10回記念シェル芸勉強会行ってきたんでまとめとか : http://memo.laughk.org/2014/04/10/shell_lian_tower.html
grep -o    Emulation barcode — Odoo development master documentation : http://odoo-development.readthedocs.io/en/latest/qa/barcode-scanning-emulation.html
grep -o    Just another Ruby porter, 2015-4-a : http://jarp.does.notwork.org/diary/201504a.html
grep -o    Scripts : http://jptxt.net/scripts.html
grep -o    シェル芸十八般 | κeenのHappy Hacκing Blog : http://keens.github.io/blog/2016/07/13/shierugeijuuhachihan/
grep -o    再びegrep、及びfgrep | OpenGroove : http://open-groove.net/linux/egrep-and-fgrep/
grep -o    第30回シェル芸勉強会 大阪サテライト@さくらインターネット大阪本社 : ATND : http://atnd.org/events/90102
grep -o <    grepでマッチした対象だけを表示させる : 運用ちゃんのblog : http://unyouchan.blog.jp/archives/1179739.html
grep -o = matches only    Using Grep - The Urban Penguin : http://www.theurbanpenguin.com/using-grep/
grep -o a animals.txt : http://blog.hypermkt.jp/grep驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D隶抵スュ・趣スヲ驛「%9D陝イ・ィ%81繝サ・ョ繝サ9C・キ%84驛「・ァ繝サ・ェ驛「%9D繝サ8A・ア繝サ81%99驛「%9D繝サ・ァ驛「%9D繝サ・ウ驍オ・コ繝サ・ョ繝サ8F・エ繝サ・ソ驍オ・コ%84髫エ%81繝サ・ケ驛「・ァ陞ウ%9A繝サ・ェ繝サ・ソ髫エ%9F繝サ・サ驍オ・コ繝サ8A・ア繝サ97%86/
grep -o and tmp/a/longfile.txt    Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits : http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-badunixhabits.html
grep -o and    How to search for a string in a specific file? - ServerCake India : http://www.servercake.blog/search-string-in-specific-file/
grep -o cde <<<    bashスクリプトに関するメモ - 四角革命前夜 : http://blog.sasaplus1.com/2014/12/01/01/
grep -o dumpster fiving    P97 grep -f と grep -F - yoneyoreの雑記帳 : http://yoneyore.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/01/16/111850
grep -o empty-ssid    bash, getting grep output into a variable - Linux and Unix | DaniWeb : http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/linux-and-unix/threads/460897/bash-getting-grep-output-into-a-variable
grep -o GACGTC Pp.ufa    制限酵素断片長概算 : http://koke.asrc.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/HOWTO/RE-Physco.html
grep -o img tmp.html    grep/egrep/fgrepコマンドのすべて【具体例編】 - Qiita : http://qiita.com/kenju/items/a73a3610011391eee252
grep -o ip=[0-9]    grepで文字列の一致する部分だけを抜き出す:grep:Technical tips:Media hub : http://tech.clickyourstyle.com/articles/456
grep -o isn't part of POSIX    Have a --count option that counts occurrences instead of matched lines: 揃 Issue #566 揃 BurntSushi/ripgrep 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/566
grep -o l /etc/services    Understanding Regular Expressions - LinuxConfig.org : http://linuxconfig.org/how-to-count-occurrence-of-a-specific-character-in-a-string-or-file-using-bash
grep -o me me    grepでこういう時はどうする? - Socapnw : http://www.socapnw.com/113629.html
grep -o mystring filename    A FAQ Style Introduction To Grep - Tutonics : http://www.tutonics.com/2012/10/a-faq-style-introduction-to-grep.html
grep -o network [Enter]    grep example : http://homepages.uc.edu/~thomam/Intro_Unix_Text/Misc/grep_example.html
grep -o Number in the beginning of the line" might do what you want: dd ... 2>/dev/null    「grep --exclude site:stackoverflow.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=grep+--byte-offset+site%3Astackoverflow.com&rkf=1
grep -o output_format [-f or -e] [pattern_file or pattern] -i blast_output_file : http://microbiology.se/sw/blastgrep
grep -o p    grepを使ってインストールされているソフトウェアを調べる! | 新卒IT文系セールスのBLOG : http://webtomoblg.net/2017/12/12/grep-rpm-yum/
grep -o p    Linuxで使う正規表現についてまとめました : http://eng-entrance.com/linux-command-grep
grep -o PATTERN [FILE    CLARK GRUBB: Search Tools : http://clarkgrubb.com/printer--friendly/search-tools
grep -o PATTERN FILE    Notes: Favorite GNU/Linux Commands : http://erikberg.com/notes/linuxtips.html
grep -o pattern filename    grep | Bioinformatic Tools : http://bioinformatictools.wordpress.com/tag/grep/
grep -o PATTERN longfile.txt    10のUNIX小技:Geekなぺーじ : http://www.geekpage.jp/blog/@id=2007%2F1%2F11
grep -o PATTERN    grep command examples ~ Linux IQ : http://linuxadministrative.blogspot.com/2014/06/grep-command-examples.html
grep -o pom : http://road-to-tennis.sakura.ne.jp/circles/2017/08/03/驍オ・イ髫ェ%8Abuntu驍オ・イ闔会ス」%80陝・ススhell驍オ・イ繝サ8F・「osix繝サ9C%88繝サ・・鬯ョ・「%80-驍オ・コ繝サ98・エ%81繝サ・ョ1/
grep -o regex filename    Regular Expressions In grep - nixCraft : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grep-regular-expressions/
grep -o t    Work the Shell : http://www.linux-india.org/LJArchive2017/LJ/215/11227.html
grep -o unix examplefile.txt    10 UNIX Grep Command Examples of How to Search a File for a Pattern : http://www.livefirelabs.com/unix_commands/10-unix-grep-command-examples-of-how-to-search-a-file-for-a-pattern.htm
grep -o will search only the string that you are looking for    How to use grep, egrep, frgep and rgrep command in Linux - TECHSAKH : http://www.techsakh.com/2016/02/28/use-grep-egrep-frgep-rgrep-command-linux/
grep -o with-http_stub_status_module    How to collect NGINX metrics : http://www.datadoghq.com/blog/how-to-collect-nginx-metrics/
grep -o xfwm4)/environ    [SOLVED] Wallpaper Changer / Panel Colour Fader / Desktop / Xfce Forums : http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php@id=9597
grep -o:    CGRL - Introduction to basic Unix commands : http://cgrlucb.wikispaces.com/Introduction+to+basic+Unix+commands