コマンドオプションサンプル:grep -x


grep -x '.\    sed - How to "grep" for line length in a given range? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/184519/how-to-grep-for-line-length-in-a-given-range
grep -x '//bar[    Using Grep-Like Commands for Non-Text Files | Linux.com | The source for Linux information : http://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/using-grep-commands-non-text-files
grep -x '[ \t]     Grep with wildcard in middle of word | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting : http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-and-scripting/147954-grep-fixed-string-regex.html
grep -x '[    Command-line-text-processing/gnu_grep.md at master 揃 learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processing 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processing/blob/master/gnu_grep.md
grep -x '    Grep : http://www.cryan.com/daily/20170322.jsp
grep -x '404' access.log    grep | SecOPS / SysOp blog : http://maciek.lasyk.info/sysop/tag/grep/
grep -x 'ab' test.txt    入力と出力 | UNIX & Linux コマンド・シェルスクリプト リファレンス : http://shellscript.sunone.me/filter_etc.html
grep -x 'foo/    Updating last-modified dates with a git hook : http://toroid.org/git-last-modified
grep -x 'hello\    ubuntu - How to grep multiple lines from a file in linux - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1101191/how-to-grep-multiple-lines-from-a-file-in-linux
grep -x 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya' country_list.txt    grepコマンドの検索結果をさらに絞り込む|Linux Tips : http://www.linuxmaster.jp/linux_skill/2013/02/post-162.html
grep -x -e"apple" -e"yuzu"    grep コマンド – 文字列検索やパターンマッチしたファイル検索 | Linuxコマンド.NET : http://linuxcommand.net/grep/
grep -x -F -f file2 file1    Use grep to compare 2 files — Andrew Barnett : http://www.andrewbarnett.net/code/use-grep-to-compare-2-files
grep -x -f A.txt B.txt    shell - Exact grep -f command in Linux - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16706005/exact-grep-f-command-in-linux
grep -x -f train.csv test.csv    grepでデータの重複を調べられる : http://tma15.github.io/blog/2015/12/29/
grep -x -f    Linuxで2つのファイルの共通行を出力する - 元RX-7乗りの適当な日々 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/rx7/20130829/p1
grep -x -i -f file1 file2    2つのファイルの共通行を抽出する方法 - Qiita : http://qiita.com/mekagazira/items/1a1791a42e435cefd5f6
grep -x -i -f file1 file2    Memo/Linux - DEX Lab : http://dexlab.net/pukiwiki/index.php@Memo%2FLinux
grep -x -u root    grep Tricks » ADMIN Magazine : http://www.admin-magazine.com/Articles/Coming-to-grips-with-grep/(offset)/3
grep -x "     "rss" con w3m, grep y sed ? : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php@t=965143
grep -x "    build/install-build-deps.sh - chromium/chromium - Git at Google : http://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/chromium/+/trunk/build/install-build-deps.sh
grep -x "ABC" test.txt    tips:command:grep / ChangeLog::hjk : http://kreisel.fam.cx/webmaster/clog/cat_tips3acommand3agrep.html
grep -x "apple" fruitlist.txt    grep : http://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/Grep.html
grep -x "bnx2 0000:03:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level     grep using examples on Linux - Fibrevillage : http://fibrevillage.com/sysadmin/39-grep-using-examples
grep -x "boo" a_file : http://www.uccs.edu/~ahitchco/grep/
grep -x "how are you    How to use grep to search for strings in files on the shell : http://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/linux-grep-command/
grep -x "linux is a open source operating system." file.txt    BEST LINUX GREP COMMAND EXAMPLES : http://www.elinuxbook.com/best-linux-grep-command-examples/
grep -x "rahul" file    13 Awesome Linux Grep Command Examples – TecAdmin : http://tecadmin.net/grep-command-in-linux/
grep -x "search this whole line" abc.txt    Grep And Sed Substitution Commands To The Rescue : http://blog.adityapatawari.com/2012/09/grep-and-sed-substitution-commands-to.html
grep -x .... sed '/ : http://2048.fi/shellalt.txt
grep -x aa11 file    color with grep: bookmarks=本の栞 : http://bookmark.yamas.jp/article/58326009.html
grep -x ABA file.txt    grepコマンド(ファイル内の文字を検索する) : http://itdoc.hitachi.co.jp/manuals/3020/30203S3530/JPAS0250.HTM
grep -x abc aaa.txt    grep - サーバエンジニアの知恵袋 : http://seesaawiki.jp/w/engineernochiebukuro/d/grep
grep -x abc test.txt    素人のサーバ構築とか : コマンド : http://blog.livedoor.jp/skrbtks_39/archives/4580502.html
grep -x abc    tailコマンドの使い方: UNIX/Linuxの部屋 : http://x68000.q-e-d.net/~68user/unix/pickup@grep
grep -x command but that gave nothing every time I use it. If you could give a little advise on how to search for an exact pattern using grep it would be greatly appreciated    Re: grep -w : http://tinman.cs.gsu.edu/~raj/f00/3320/messages/40.html
grep -x gomi.txt    grepコマンドのAオプションが使えない - BIGLOBEなんでも相談室 : http://soudan1.biglobe.ne.jp/qa432156.html
grep -x gomi.txt    grepコマンドのAオプションが使えない - Linux系OS 解決済み| 【OKWAVE】 : http://okwave.jp/qa/q3176914.html
grep -x gomi.txt    フィールドでgrepみたいなこと -シェルでgrepは、特定文字列を含む行を- UNIX・Linux | 教えて!goo : http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/1897455.html
grep -x gomi.txt    質問!ITmedia - 連続で複数の単語をGREPしたい : http://qa.itmedia.co.jp/qa8838525.html
grep -x java    Mac mini増殖中!iOSアプリのビルドをマスター・スレーブ化して時間を短縮する - pixiv inside : http://inside.pixiv.net/entry/2016/11/28/100000
grep -X pattern file    戯術者の日記 / grep : http://www.jp-z.jp/changelog/cat_grep.html
grep -x PATTERN    grep command examples ~ Linux IQ : http://linuxadministrative.blogspot.com/2014/06/grep-command-examples.html
grep -x samba sambalines     grep the exact string only : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/grep-the-exact-string-only-665689/
grep -x SEARCH File file .    grep を使うときのオプションを知っておくと便利そう - それマグで! : http://takuya-1st.hatenablog.jp/entry/20110502/1304338707
grep -x son    A grep Tutorial and Primer : http://danielmiessler.com/study/grep/
grep -x zz_PreviousSememsters    Advanced Mac Configuration Topics - Library & ITS Wiki : http://mediawiki.middlebury.edu/wiki/LIS/Advanced_Mac_Configuration_Topics