gzip --stdout '%t' > '%f'" | Compressed Folders - NeoMutt : http://www.neomutt.org/feature/compress | |
gzip --stdout > a.1.fastq.gz | Add option to output gzipped FASTQ in SamToFastq 揃 Issue #873 揃 broadinstitute/picard 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/issues/873 | |
gzip --stdout > my_log.gz | linux - How can I gzip standard in to a file and also print standard in to standard out? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/570984/how-can-i-gzip-standard-in-to-a-file-and-also-print-standard-in-to-standard-out | |
gzip --stdout > | Tie::Gzip - search.cpan.org : http://search.cpan.org/~softdia/Tie-Gzip-0.06/lib/Tie/Gzip.pm | |
gzip --stdout file.gz | gzip command examples ~ Linux IQ : http://linuxadministrative.blogspot.com/2014/06/gzip-command-examples.html | |
gzip --stdout notmuch.1 > notmuch.1.gz | [notmuch] [PATCH] Makefile: Magic silent rules. : http://notmuchmail.org/pipermail/notmuch/2009/000215.html | |
gzip --stdout site:askubuntu.com | 「gzip --to-stdout site:superuser.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=gzip+--stdout+site%3Aaskubuntu.com&rkf=1 | |
gzip --stdout textfile > /path/to/spacious/filesystem/textfile.gz | gzip - , gunzip, zcat compress or expand files | linux commands examples : http://www.linux-commands-examples.com/gzip |