gzip -v ' + f(i) endfor if (nf gt 1) and (j gt 0) then begin alldata = [[alldata] | : http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/weeks/idl/yykit/catptdata2.pro | |
gzip -v --best initrd-2.4.21-47.0.1.ELvmnix.img cp -f initrd-2.4.21-47.0.1.ELvmnix.img.gz /root/initrd-2.4.21-47.0.1.ELvmnix.img rm -f | : http://www.vmworld.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/3766-2181/ml115g5-gosata.sh | |
gzip -v --best pacct.0 | disk usage - /var/log/account/pacct is getting too big, where is ckpacct (to cicle/gzip it)? - Ask Ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/295080/var-log-account-pacct-is-getting-too-big-where-is-ckpacct-to-cicle-gzip-it | |
gzip -v --force --best files/markovs/vldb-june2013/ | Transaction Prediction Models « H-Store : http://hstore.cs.brown.edu/documentation/development/transaction-models/ | |
gzip -v -1 -c test.mp4 > test.mp4.gz | Linux GZip Compression Tricks - Pantuts | Pantuts : http://pantuts.com/2013/03/15/linux-gzip-compression-tricks/ | |
gzip -v -1 services and press Enter to compress the services file. What was the compression ratio | In this hands-on project, you use common compression ut... | Chegg.com : http://www.chegg.com/homework-help/hands-project-use-common-compression-utilities-compress-unco-chapter-11-problem-1p-solution-9781418837211-exc | |
gzip -v -9 -n' DOC_COMPRESS_CMD[bz2] | : http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/plain/meta/classes/compress_doc.bbclass | |
gzip -v -9" | Google Answers: Exclude directory in tar and zip : http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/739467.html | |
gzip -v -d -S ".gzip" passwd.gzip | Gzip and Bzip2 on Linux : http://dylanninin.com/blog/2013/03/13/gzip_bzip2.html | |
gzip -v -d | How to zip, unzip files and directories in Linux / Unix - Kernel Talks : http://kerneltalks.com/commands/zip-unzip-files-directories-linux-unix/ | |
gzip -v -k -f --best | How To Pre-Compress Files Generated By Hugo And Serve Them With Nginx · Saimiri.io : http://saimiri.io/2016/05/pre-compress-hugo-files/ | |
gzip -v -k gzip.txt | Applications 23 - Compression with gzip | Linux.org : http://www.linux.org/threads/applications-23-compression-with-gzip.11591/ | |
gzip -v -l : please declare if original name and timestamp is available | Bugs in package gzip (version 1.6-5+b1) in unstable -- Debian Bug report logs : http://bugs.debian.org/gzip | |
gzip -v -l foo.gz | gzip - How can I check if two gzipped files are equal? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/64200 | |
gzip -v -l json.gz | JAX-RS Tip of the Day: Use GZIP compression : http://javaevangelist.blogspot.com/2012/01/jersey-tip-of-day-use-gzip-compression.html | |
gzip -v -r -d ASIM_Compressed.gz' followed by 'tar xvf ASIM_Compressed' | ASIM PET Simulator : http://depts.washington.edu/asimuw/download.html | |
gzip -v -t duplicity-full.20150322T220729Z.vol16.difftar.gz | Question #264557 : Questions : Duplicity : http://answers.launchpad.net/duplicity/+question/264557 | |
gzip -v "D:\somepath\file.txt" | The SNES Classic will load ROMS that are gzip compressed : miniSNESmods : http://www.reddit.com/r/miniSNESmods/comments/73w8gq/the_snes_classic_will_load_roms_that_are_gzip/ | |
gzip -v /tmp/foo | NetBSD Problem Report #37944:[patch]: gzip cannot preserve utimes() because it first sets chflags() : http://gnats.netbsd.org/37944 | |
gzip -v [ | Linux CentOS低予算自宅サーバ奮闘メモ Linuxの圧縮/解凍コマンドのまとめ : http://centlinuxer.blog37.fc2.com/blog-entry-39.html | |
gzip -v < /proc/uptime") mempty :: IO [Chunk ByteString]) :: IO (ExitCode | process-extras: Process extras : http://hackage.haskell.org/package/process-extras | |
gzip -v < /tmp/sortcol.tar > /tmp/sortcol.tar.gz | What’s GNU, Part Six: tar : http://www.jpeek.com/articles/linuxmag/2006-03/ | |
gzip -v < | Linux - 圧縮・解凍 - 気の向くままに 〜備忘録@wiki〜 - アットウィキ : http://www10.atwiki.jp/shirayuu/pages/42.html | |
gzip -v = VERBOSE | KALI – How to ZIP Files in Linux – The Visual Guide | University of South Wales: Information Security & Privacy : http://uwnthesis.wordpress.com/2014/09/20/kali-linux-how-to-compress-files-in-linux-using-gzip-the-visual-guide/ | |
gzip -v > ../noweb- | : http://mirror.hmc.edu/ctan/obsolete/web/noweb/Makefile | |
gzip -v > /d/shadow/config.tar.gz | : http://webdiis.unizar.es/~spd/pub/irix/noinst.pl | |
gzip -v > /run/media/logan/Passport/20141126_old_downstairs.img.gz | Backup external drive to image using pv - Logan Marchione : http://www.loganmarchione.com/2014/11/backup-external-drive-to-image-using-pv/ | |
gzip -v > output.gz | mysql - mysqldump to a tar.gz - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/106595/mysqldump-to-a-tar-gz | |
gzip -v > processes.gz | gzip, bzip2, 7zip, and tar | Danscourses : http://danscourses.com/gzip-bzip2-7zip-and-tar/ | |
gzip -v >/var/tmp/MyDB.store.gz | Eloquence B.08.20 - dbstore utility : http://eloquence.marxmeier.com/support/B0820/doc/util/dbstore.html | |
gzip -v 10 | 4. File Management - Learning Unix for OS X [Book] : http://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/learning-unix-for/9781449332303/ch04.html | |
gzip -V 2> | : http://www.sql-ledger.com/source/setup.pl | |
gzip -V announce | linux - Unexpected end of file. Gzip compressed file - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/279201/unexpected-end-of-file-gzip-compressed-file | |
gzip -v backup-file.sql | Import And Export A Database Using Command Line | Paulund : http://paulund.co.uk/import-and-export-a-database-using-ssh | |
gzip -v backup.tar | LPI Linux Certification/Make & Install Programs From Source - Wikibooks, open books for an open world : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LPI_Linux_Certification/Make_&_Install_Programs_From_Source | |
gzip -v cassandra.hprof | FAQ - How to attach large files to a Support ticket – DataStax Support : http://support.datastax.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004935943-FAQ-How-to-attach-large-files-to-a-Support-ticket | |
gzip -v chr21.fa | Computational Techniques for Life Sciences : http://tacc.github.io/ctls2017/docs/intro_to_linux/intro_to_linux_05.html | |
gzip -v compress.tar | UNIX: Misc. tools : http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~rubinma/Mines_274/Content/13_misc.html | |
gzip -v compress_test.txt | : http://www.sooota.com/gzip驍オ・コ繝サ・ョ繝サ9D・ィ繝サ・ァ繝サ82・オ繝サ・ョ繝サ82%87%87/ | |
gzip -v db.sql | Exporting and importing big Drupal databases | Mike Crittenden : http://mikecr.it/ramblings/exporting-importing-large-drupal-databases | |
gzip -v file005.txt | 8.4.17 gzipコマンド(ファイルを圧縮,または圧縮されたファイルを伸長する) : JP1/Advanced Shell : http://itdoc.hitachi.co.jp/manuals/3021/30213B3210/0366.HTM | |
gzip -v file1 file2 | CentOSでファイルを圧縮、解凍する | 最新IT技術情報_arkgame.com : http://arkgame.com/@p=35411 | |
gzip -v file1 | UNIXサーバ Solaris Technical Park Solaris 逆引きコマンド一覧 ファイルのアーカイブ/圧縮/展開 圧縮ファイルの展開 - Fujitsu Japan : http://www.fujitsu.com/jp/products/computing/servers/unix/sparc/technical/command-reference/arch/03.html | |
gzip -v file1 | Linuxコマンド一覧 [gzip] : http://hocolamogg.com/unix/linux_com/gzip.html | |
gzip -v foo) | comp314: project 2: GZIP - "the guide" : http://sys.cs.rice.edu/course/comp314/10/p2/p2-guide.html | |
gzip -v foo.txt | ウェブサイトをgzip圧縮で高速化する: 小粋空間 : http://www.koikikukan.com/archives/2012/06/01-235555.php | |
gzip -v house.bmp | 連載UNIXの教科書 応用編〜アーカイブの管理〜 | HPE 日本(日本ヒューレット・パッカード株式会社) : http://h50146.www5.hpe.com/products/software/oe/hpux/developer/column/unixtext_app04/ | |
gzip -v mydata.tar | 三鷹から、大学へ転送 : http://www.naoj.org/Observing/DataReduction/mtk/spring10/linuxbasic10s/node61.html | |
gzip -v mydoc.txt | Gzip Command in Linux - GeeksforGeeks : http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/gzip-command-linux/ | |
gzip -v netspot-v329-us-solaris.tar (-N Can be used to preserve the original file) | : http://www.digitalissues.co.uk/html/os/misc/unix_linux_cmds_tidbits.html | |
gzip -V or gzip --version to find the version you have | Gzip for Solaris large files : http://www.cs.uic.edu/~dyu/unix/gzip.html | |
gzip -v or zip -v don't do anything. Just returns to prompt | what the hell... why is zip and gzip doing nothing? | Web Hosting Talk : http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php@t=919033 | |
gzip -v outputfile.sql | Compressing mysqldump output - MDLog:/sysadmin : http://www.ducea.com/2006/10/28/compressing-mysqldump-output/ | |
gzip -v sample.tar | Unixでファイル圧縮・解凍するときに使うコマンドをまとめた - kk_Atakaの日記 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kk_Ataka/20111209/1323474254 | |
gzip -v texinfo.tex': X X texinfo.tex: 71.6% -- replaced with texinfo.tex.gz X X The following command will find all | : http://ooo.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/gnuftp/gzip/gzip-1.2.4.shar | |
gzip -v texinfo.tex': | gzip : http://www.softpanorama.org/Tools/gzip.shtml | |
gzip -v texinfo.tex': | Gzip User's Manual - Sample : http://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/gzip-1.2.4/html_node/gzip_3.html | |
gzip -v texinfo.tex': | Info: (gzip.info) Sample : http://uw714doc.sco.com/cgi-bin/info2html@(gzip.info)Sample&lang=ja | |
gzip -v texinfo.tex | GNU Gzip : http://www.gnu.org/s/gzip/manual/gzip.html | |
gzip -v texinfo.tex | Gzip User's Manual : http://www.hariguchi.org/info/ja/gzip-1.2.4/gzip-ja.html | |
gzip -v texinfo.tex | Sample - GNU Gzip : http://www.hep.by/gnu/gzip/Sample.html | |
gzip -v text1.txt | gzip | cmd.akatorii.net : http://cmd.akatorii.net/gzip/ | |
gzip -v top.v | Linuxコマンド gzip 〜ファイルを圧縮する〜 : http://0918.jp/ryusai/linux_cmd_gzip.htm | |
gzip -v top.v | Linuxコマンド gzip 〜ファイルを圧縮する〜 : http://linuxcom.info/linux-cmd-gzip.html | |
gzip -v video68b.txt video68b.txt: 64.5% -- replaced with video68b.txt.gz | Linux gzip command summary with examples tutorial : http://factorpad.com/tech/linux-essentials/gzip-command.html | |
gzip -V works (it should print out the version number of gzip) | Lecture 22 : http://math.arizona.edu/~restrepo/481/msg00054.html | |
gzip -V | cbbio / miARma / issues / #57 - a strange gzip error — Bitbucket : http://bitbucket.org/cbbio/miarma/issues/57/a-strange-gzip-error | |
gzip -V | 461944 – Can "unzip libraries" be updated? : http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi@id=461944 | |
gzip -V | BEST LINUX GZIP COMMAND (GZIP COMPRESSION) WITH EXAMPLES : http://www.elinuxbook.com/best-linux-gzip-command-gzip-compression-examples/ | |
gzip -V | problem with gzip --list : http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gzip/2010-03/msg00008.html |