コマンドオプションサンプル:systemctl start


systemctl start /etc/systemd/system/minute-timer.timer    nsenter a systemd-nspawn container | Sean McGary : http://seanmcgary.com/posts/how-to-use-systemd-timers
systemctl start crond.service    Service Management (systemd) - RHEL 7 - UnixArena : http://www.unixarena.com/2015/04/service-management-systemd-rhel-7.html
systemctl start firewalld.service    Recover a forgotten root password on Redhat 7 Linux Selinux system - LinuxConfig.org : http://linuxconfig.org/how-to-stop-start-and-disable-enable-firewall-on-redhat-7-linux-system
systemctl start glusterd.service    GlusterFS のスナップショットを使う - Qiita : http://qiita.com/ngyuki/items/389d106fa372d3e4e8f6
systemctl start httpd.service    Any simple and safe way to start services on CentOS7 / systemd? - General - Docker Forums : http://forums.docker.com/t/any-simple-and-safe-way-to-start-services-on-centos7-systemd/5695
systemctl start iot01    Linux/systemd - きのさいと : http://www.masatom.in/pukiwiki/Linux/systemd/
systemctl start iptables.service    Debianでphp5-fpmのumaskを設定するには? - nginx | CODE Q&A [日本語] : http://code.i-harness.com/ja/q/179c010
systemctl start mapr-zookeeper.service    Node Verification with Warnings | MapR Converge Community : http://community.mapr.com/thread/18515
systemctl start mysql    [MDEV-9007] [PATCH] Bootstrap does not work in CentOS start script - JIRA : http://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-7368
systemctl start nfs.service    Bug 895513 – Unable to authenticate to legacy LDAP server due to "not secure" certificate signature : http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi@id=1191920
systemctl start nginx.service    IT in MT :: CentOS7 nginx, mariadb10, php-fpm : http://ellordnet.tistory.com/157
systemctl start openvas-scanner.service.service     [Openvas-discuss] openVAS scanner service timing out : http://lists.wald.intevation.org/pipermail/openvas-discuss/2017-June/011217.html
systemctl start postgresql-9.4.service    Centos 7 PostgresSQL 9.4 – Install database and use a non default PGDATA location, auto start on Boot (systemd) | George's notebook : http://www.sfentona.net/@p=2756
systemctl start rsyslog.service    lfd on server.example.com: SYSLOG Check Failed - PlotHost KB/Blog : http://www.plothost.com/kb/lfd-syslog-check-failed/
systemctl start serial-getty    CentOS7 – シリアルコンソール設定 – – 闘い続けるSEの戯言 : http://www.nightmare-yk.com/@p=1346
systemctl start slapd.service    Antw: OpenLDAP not starting using "systemctl start" but runs fine invoki : http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-technical/201709/msg00011.html
systemctl start sshd.service    Systemd入門(2) - Serviceの操作方法 - めもめも : http://enakai00.hatenablog.com/entry/20130915/1379212787
systemctl start var-lib-zoneminder-events.mount    Adventures in ZoneMinder: Mount units with Systemd : http://zoneminder.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html


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