wget --proxy-user --ask-password http://www.whatever.com/file.exe | wget --ask-password for proxy authentication - linux debian : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/28928168/wget-ask-password-for-proxy-authentication-linux-debian.html | |
wget --proxy-user "bhoom" --proxy-password "bhoom_password" http://statgenpro.psychiatry.hku.hk/limx/kggseq/download.php | How to wget with proxy authentication? | As the doctor gone rogue : http://bhoom.wordpress.com/2013/07/26/how-to-wget-with-proxy-authentication/ | |
wget --proxy-user "DOMAIN\USER" --proxy-password "PASSWORD" URL | Wget - ArchWiki : http://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/Wget | |
wget --proxy-user "DOMAIN\USER" --proxy-password "PASSWORD" URL | Wget - ArchWiki : http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/wget | |
wget --proxy-user "DOMAIN\USERNAME" --proxy-passwd "PASSWORD"' | How to configure Proxy Settings for the Linux Console and APT | The WireFrame : http://thewireframecommunity.com/node/29 | |
wget --proxy-user "USERNameHere" --proxy-password "PASSWORDHere" http://url-here | How to install wget on RHEL/CentOS 7 using yum - nixCraft : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/yum-install-wget-redhat-cetos-rhel-7/ | |
wget --proxy-user "yourusername" --proxy-passwd="xxxxxx"' | TTfs Jottings-Blog of VU2SWX » wget behind a proxy server with authentication : http://brainstorms.in/@p=271 |