wget -4 --ca-certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \ | #861198 - simple-cdd: downloading docs/tools/README without ftp - Debian Bug report logs : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi@bug=738625;msg=17 | |
wget -4 --load-cookies=z.coo -O result.png 'http://example.com/zabbix/map.php | How to download map.png [Archive] - ZABBIX Forums : http://www.zabbix.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-53773.html | |
wget -4 --no-proxy --no-cookies --no-cache \ | How to block traffic by country-IPs? : http://undeadly.org/cgi@action=article&sid=20140527054301 | |
wget -4 --spider -r --delete-after \ | Linkchecker alternative via wget with recursive spider options 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/mikaelz/9d0a060d1e5c313ff6c537dc59215a10 | |
wget -4 --timeout=1 --tries=30 --retry-connrefused --no-check-certificate https://localhost:8443/candlepin/status | Bug 1328137 – CVE-2016-7098 wget: files rejected by access list are kept on the disk for the duration of HTTP connection : http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi@id=1119351 | |
wget -4 -d --no-check-certificate https://files.pfsense.org/lists/fullbogons-ipv6.txt | Filter needs manual reload to open incoming ports : http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php@topic=71815.0 | |
wget -4 -O - -q http://mydomain.com/cron.php | Resolving ipv6 when using ipv4 as OWNED + SSL certificate : http://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php@t=45114 | |
wget -4 -O /dev/null "http://speed.hostkey.com/2000mb.bin" NL(for IPv4) | Test with IPERF - Powered by Kayako Help Desk Software : http://my.hostkey.com/index.php@%2FKnowledgebase%2FArticle%2FView%2F43%2F16%2Ftest-with-iperf | |
wget -4 -O /dev/null http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test 2> | : http://freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh | |
wget -4 -O /dev/null http://mirror.de.leaseweb.net/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.2.4.tar.gz | Cloud Benchmark at Slush 2015 - UpCloud : http://www.upcloud.com/blog/cloud-benchmark-digitalocean-aws-upcloud-slush-2015/ | |
wget -4 -O /dev/null http://proof.ovh.ca/files/1Gio.dat | Disable IPv6 on Ubuntu 12.04 - EasyEngine : http://easyengine.io/tutorials/linux/disable-ipv6/ | |
wget -4 -O /dev/null http://speedtest.serverius.net/files/2000mb.bin (for IPv4) | Serverius speedtest server : http://speedtest.serverius.net/ | |
wget -4 -O /etc/yum.repos.d/mono.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/tpokorra:/mono/Fedora_20/home:tpokorra:mono.repo | Fedora 20 - Nzbdrone : http://nzbdrone.readthedocs.io/Fedora-20/ | |
wget -4 -O /home/( | sirase's blog: epgrecの脆弱性を検証する : http://falconws.blogspot.com/2014/01/epgrec.html | |
wget -4 -O dropbox.py "http://www.dropbox.com/download | Wget - きまぐれ手記 : http://kimagurenote.net/kn/Wget | |
wget -4 -O filename.ext "https://www.dropbox.com/s//filename.ext | linux - Make wget cache DNS resolution results - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/850688/make-wget-cache-dns-resolution-results | |
wget -4 -O | pc-updatemanager pkgupdate - trueos : http://forums.pcbsd.org/thread-21132.html | |
wget -4 -q -O - http://joejalbert.com | Linode Forum :: Dynamic DNS Script Not Updating DNS Records. : http://forum.linode.com/viewtopic.php@f=10&t=11784 | |
wget -4 -q -O /dev/null "http://YourHostID:YourHostPassword | DHIS: Configuration Guides : http://www.dhis.org/WebEngine.ipo@context=dhis.website.updating.howtos | |
wget -4 -q -U "Mozilla/5.0" --post-file file.flac --header "Content-Type: audio/x-flac | Raspberry Pi Voice Recognition Works Like Siri - Oscar Liang : http://oscarliang.com/raspberry-pi-voice-recognition-works-like-siri/ | |
wget -4 -q "'+os.environ["SITE"]+'/'+fichier_online+'.php | The forum - PlayOnLinux - Run your Windows applications on Linux easily! : http://www.playonlinux.com/en/topic-8323.html | |
wget -4 "http://mirrorlist.centos.org/ | network transfer slow - CentOS : http://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php@t=41944 | |
wget -4 ... works | networking - wget is unable to resolve host address 80% of the time - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/168584/wget-is-unable-to-resolve-host-address-80-of-the-time | |
wget -4 archlinuxarm.org/arm/core/core.db" does work. I still need help to understand why this is happening | Arch Linux ARM • View topic - Trouble Getting Started : http://archlinuxarm.org/forum/viewtopic.php@f=18&t=1422 | |
wget -4 faceboo.com Can resolve domain names. yum wget browser also can not be resolved. How to solve the problem | fedora19 How to turn off ipv6, forced to use ipv4? - Ask Fedora: Community Knowledge Base and Support Forum : http://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/35425/fedora19-how-to-turn-off-ipv6-forced-to-use-ipv4/ | |
wget -4 ftp://ftp.internic.net/domain/named.cache | How to configure Unbound on Ubuntu 11.10 – Prado.it : http://www.prado.it/2012/04/14/how-to-configure-unbound-on-ubuntu-11-10/ | |
wget -4 ftp://ftp.jpix.ad.jp/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-amd64/8.0/8.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso -O /dev/null | Linux/ServersMan_VPS/ベンチマーク - Tomocha WikiPlus : http://wiki.tomocha.net/Linux_ServersMan_VPS_bench.html | |
wget -4 ftp://mirror.ovh.net/download.fedora.redhat.com/linux/releases/11/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-11-x86_64-CHECKSUM | [SOLVED] F21: Brother printer/scanner: No scanner detected : http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php@223585-WGET-failed-Name-or-service-not-known | |
wget -4 ftp://www.example.com/test.txt | Wgetの基本的な使い方など(ユーザーエージェントの設定・POSTデータの送信) - [Linux [Red Hatなど]/サーバー] ぺんたん info : http://pentan.info/server/linux/wget_ipv4_ipv6.html | |
wget -4 google.com - normal speed | 11.04 - How can I force WiFi connection to only use ipv4? - Ask Ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/48693/how-can-i-force-wifi-connection-to-only-use-ipv4 | |
wget -4 host to check wget working in ipv4 | Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Connection reset by peer : http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-847163-highlight-wget.html | |
wget -4 http://... so educated people immediately know that this is ipv6 issue. These educated people say that ipv6 could altogether be disabled by running | Linux slow dns lookup (delay = 5 seconds) : http://www.math.tamu.edu/~comech/tools/linux-slow-dns-lookup/ | |
wget -4 http://archive.apache.org/dist/apr/apr-1.5.2.tar.bz2 | RPMパッケージを作ってみようBパッケージ作成環境構築 | 株式会社INDETAIL - インディテール : http://www.indetail.co.jp/blog/12146/ | |
wget -4 http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/7/remi/mirror | How to enable the repositories on SME Server (CentOS based) (Page 1) Open discussion Remi's RPM repository - Forum : http://forum.remirepo.net/viewtopic.php@id=3597 | |
wget -4 http://samsclass.info/120/proj/hb1.pyx | Proj 13: Detecting the Heartbleed OpenSSL Vulnerability and Patching It (15 pts.) : http://samsclass.info/120/proj/p13-heartbleed.htm | |
wget -4 http://sla-0030.qos.ovh.net/files/100Mb.dat -O /dev/null | Large bandwidth consumers [Archief] - OVH Forum : http://forum.ovh.nl/showthread.php/1233-Large-bandwidth-consumers | |
wget -4 http://sla-0030.qos.ovh.net/files/100Mb.dat -O /dev/null | Large consumers of bandwidth [Archive] - OVH Forum : http://forum.ovh-hosting.fi/showthread.php/600-Large-consumers-of-bandwidth | |
wget -4 http://sourceforge.net/projects/python-irclib/files/python-irclib/0.4.8/python-irclib-0.4.8.zip | VPS上(CentOS6.4)にIRCからSkypeをする環境を構築する - Qiita : http://qiita.com/yuki_ycino/items/daa55d41ec31e65d5663 | |
wget -4 http://test.example.jp/ | 【linux】wgetでパラメータが正常に渡らないとき at softelメモ : http://www.softel.co.jp/blogs/tech/archives/1492 | |
wget -4 http://www.9kw.eu/grafik/plugins/Captcha9kw.zip | 9kw.eu - Captcha Service for the user - captcha solver : http://www.9kw.eu/hilfe_pyload.html | |
wget -4 http://www.cznog.eu/images/checkicon.php -O ./images/ipv4.png | IPv6 [brmlab] : http://brmlab.cz/project/ipv6/start | |
wget -4 http://www.fcc-fac.ca | unix - How to use "wget" to save a file as a different name - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/q/290315 | |
wget -4 http://www.gmail.com/ | 14308 – getaddrinfo DNS referral response returns host not found when A and AAAA questions are sent and one response is a referral : http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi@id=14307 | |
wget -4 http://www.iij.ad.jp/index.html | JANOG 31 MAP-E クラウドテストラボに SEIL/x86 を提供しました : http://www.seil.jp/blog/23.html | |
wget -4 https://41.media.tumblr.com/b5cca6b1b2a107ceb8e655e82ad4348e/tumblr_nzop3ixrgE1qigaa4o1_500.jpg wget -6 https://41.media.tumblr.com/b5cca6b1b2a107ceb8e655e82ad4348e/tumblr_nzop3ixrgE1qigaa4o1_500.jpg In the above case I observe the IPv4 method succeeds | Forum - Establishing cause of non-IPv6 http response on remote server? :: SixXS - IPv6 Deployment & Tunnel Broker : http://www.sixxs.net/forum/@msg=general-14752409 | |
wget -4 https://drive.google.com/uc | [ANN] bitaddress.org Safe JavaScript Bitcoin address/private key : http://bitcointalk.org/index.php@topic=1326803.780 | |
wget -4 https://www.ripe.net/ | Wget Afraid - FREEDNS script help - MikroTik : http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php@t=120773 | |
wget -4 mozilla.org | routing - IPv6 HTTP issue - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14804377/ipv6-http-issue | |
wget -4 or --inet4-only Specifies connections only to hosts using IPv4 | Wget Download Manager | Doug Vitale Tech Blog : http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/wget-download-manager/ | |
wget -4 support.netapp.com | NetApp Support-Site not reachable over IPv6 - NetApp Community : http://community.netapp.com/t5/Active-IQ-and-AutoSupport-Discussions/NetApp-Support-Site-not-reachable-over-IPv6/td-p/17926 | |
wget -4 techhamlet.com | [ubuntu] what does this mean and how can i resovle it [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2048623.html | |
wget -4 worked tho | download.dokuwiki.org ipv6 not working - DokuWiki User Forum : http://forum.dokuwiki.org/thread/11484 | |
wget -4 works | Bug #3286: Abort while installing from AUR (ArchLinux User Repository) - slixmpp - louiz’ forge : http://dev.louiz.org/issues/3286 | |
wget -4 www.ezylinux.com | How to fix "wget: unable to resolve host address" issue - EzyLinux | EzyLinux : http://www.ezylinux.com/how-to-fix-wget-unable-to-resolve-host-address-issue/ | |
wget -4 www.google.com -O /dev/null | How to unzip file - Raspberry Pi Forums : http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php@t=25842&p=235342 | |
wget -4 www.java.com is OK | www.java.com - Plusnet Community : http://community.plus.net/t5/IPv6-Trial/www-java-com/td-p/1089150 | |
wget -4 yahoo.com--2013-01-11 10:29:58-- http://yahoo.com/ | [SOLVED] ipv4/ipv6 debian squeeze - hostname resolution and wget/elinks | Proxmox Support Forum : http://forum.proxmox.com/threads/solved-ipv4-ipv6-debian-squeeze-hostname-resolution-and-wget-elinks.12443/ | |