コマンドオプションサンプル:wget -t


wget -t [no.-of-retries-you want] [URL]    Download Files with Wget on the Linux Shell - Explanation and Examples : http://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/linux-wget-command/
wget -t [number] or --tries=[number] Sets the number of download retries to [number]. Specify 0 or inf for infinite retrying. The default is to retry 20 times    Wget Download Manager | Doug Vitale Tech Blog : http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/wget-download-manager/
wget -t 0 --retry-connrefused -c -N -S -T 16 -w 1 --random-wait --no-dns-cache -P /mnt/home/downloads --no-cache --no-cookies https://www.torproject.org/dist/tor-*.*.*.*.tar.gz JavaScript status: DISABLED    compiling : http://www.smokey01.com/coolpup/compiling.html
wget -t 0 --spider --no-check-certificate    WebLogic Admin Tricks & Tips: Check URL using shell script : http://wlatricksntips.blogspot.com/2012/06/check-url-using-shell-script.html
wget -t 0 --user="MYUSER" --password="MYPASS" https://example.atlassian.net/webdav/backupmanager/Application-backup-20130509.zip    Can't Download Large Files from Cloud WebDAV - Atlassian Documentation : http://ja.confluence.atlassian.com/cloudkb/can-t-download-large-files-from-cloud-webdav-691011833.html
wget -t 0 --user="MYUSER" --password="MYPASS" https://example.atlassian.net/webdav/backupmanager/Application-backup-20130509.zip    Can't Download Large Files from Cloud WebDAV - Atlassian Documentation : http://confluence.atlassian.com/cloudkb/can-t-download-large-files-from-cloud-webdav-691011833.html
wget -t 0 -c http://www.dpup.org/01Micko/skype/skype_static-*.*.*.*.sfs    Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - Skype -static sfs : http://distro.ibiblio.org/quirky/sfs/skype-forum.html
wget -t 0 -nc --waitretry=10 "http://pkgs.repoforge.org/leafpad/leafpad-0.8.9-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm" "    Leafpad - Linux How-To and Tutorial Section : http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/572005/leafpad/
wget -t 0 -O /tmp/rivendell.init http://ubuntuone.com/p/HNF/    Frederick's Free Blog » Rivendell : http://frederick.henderson-meier.org/category/rivendell/
wget -t 0 -P i386    RedHat Linuxに最新のアップデートをあてる - りおてく : http://rio.st/2003/09/redhat-linux.html
wget -t 0 [url] so that it'd keep trying forever even if connection gets cut off    Command Line Magicさんのツイート: "wget -q -O- -U Mozilla "https://t.co/FtVcqALluf\.com/translate_tts?q=hello&tl=en"|mpg123 -q - # Say hello using a nice voice." : http://twitter.com/climagic/status/684474910882852864
wget -t 0 http://example.com/    wgetのメモ - 綾小路龍之介の素人思考 : http://za.toypark.in/html/2003/10-05.html
wget -t 0    #861198 - simple-cdd: downloading docs/tools/README without ftp - Debian Bug report logs : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi@bug=662737
wget -t 0    wget コマンドでリトライを一切しないようにする | おやっさんのぐだぐだ日記 : http://ohyeah3.wordpress.com/2009/02/03/wget/
wget -t 0    wgetでオプション指定(base=ホストURL+フォルダ)した際にホスト… - 人力検索はてな : http://q.hatena.ne.jp/1169571536
WGET -t 0    WRF User's Forum • View topic - LiveWRF: a virtual environment to teach numerical modelling : http://forum.wrfforum.com/viewtopic.php@t=4000
wget -t 1 --connect-timeout=1 --read-timeout=3 -q -O - jira.server.ext:8080/status    Solved: monitoring bamboo status : http://community.atlassian.com/t5/Bamboo-questions/monitoring-bamboo-status/qaq-p/53929
wget -t 1 --connect-timeout=5 --dns-timeout=5 --read-timeout=3600 -O /dev/null --no-check-certificate 'https://www.mydomain.de/clients/admin/cron.php'    CronJobs wget error - Fatal: no entropy gathering module detected - Support - i-MSCP - internet - Multi Server Control Panel : http://i-mscp.net/index.php/Thread/7776-CronJobs-wget-error-Fatal-no-entropy-gathering-module-detected/
wget -t 1 --no-check-certificate -O content.csv -c --header "Accept:text/plain" --header "Authorization:Basic    How to Use Wget for REST API Access – Datameer : http://datameer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/217029526-How-to-Use-Wget-for-REST-API-Access
wget -t 1 --timeout=900 xxxxx    Web Developer Blog : http://blog.my-helper.com/
wget -t 1 -i ahaha.txt    67.wgetでダウンロードするファイルのダウンロード後の名前を指定 : http://www.garunimo.com/program/linux/linux49.php
wget -t 1 -N     Thinstation / Thinstation 5 / Diff of /ts/6.0/build : http://sourceforge.net/p/thinstation/thinstation-5/ci/ab615c69687d5adfa1229e95c84ab95f91a78ec1/tree/ts/6.0/build@diff=595351ea3d47fdfb4c60efa846f985fa66ba0549
wget -t 1 -o urltemp.tmp --spider " url)    Using Gawk and Wget to Resolve URL Shorteners | Mapping Online Publics : http://mappingonlinepublics.net/2010/08/02/using-gawk-to-resolve-url-shorteners/
wget -t 1 -q --spider http://example.com/index.php/ccm/system/jobs    自動実行ジョブをサーバーの Cron 機能を使って実行する方法 :: concrete5 Japan 日本語公式サイト : http://concrete5-japan.org/help/5-7/recipes/set-up-cron/
wget -t 1 -q -O - "http://blah.com/index.php/tools/required/jobs    Cron - Maintenance Tasks - concrete5 : http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/usage/cron_-_maintenance_tasks
wget -t 1 -T 1 --spider http://*.*.*.*/    Dynamic APT Sources list selection « Viperfang Networks : http://viperfang.net/2009/05/dynamic-apt-sources-list-selection/
wget -t 1 -T 1 -q -O - *.*.*.*/ip.shtml    プロキシサーバ経由でwgetやyumを実行 : http://ry.tl/ddns.html
wget -t 1 -T 1 -q -O - http://www.uetyi.mydns.jp > /dev/null     XubuntuでWindows共有フォルダを扱うには : http://www.uetyi.com/server-const/entry-574.html
wget -T 1 -t 1 -w 1 -q -O - http://dummy.example.com/    Memo/Linux/wget - DEX Lab : http://dexlab.net/pukiwiki/index.php@Memo%2FLinux%2Fwget
wget -t 1 -T 1 http://*.*.*.*/trk/freshclam.conf -O /etc/freshclam.conf    Trinity Rescue Kit: Usage Howto : http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php@content=TRINITY_RESCUE_KIT_USAGE_HOWTO&front_id=12&lang=en&locale=en
wget -t 1 -T 15 --no-proxy http://*.*.*.*/service/getclient.php -q -O -    holzfisch | FOG Project : http://forums.fogproject.org/user/holzfisch
wget -t 1 -T 5 http://    [BugBounty] Yahoo phpinfo.php disclosure | Patrik Fehrenbach : http://blog.it-securityguard.com/bugbounty-yahoo-phpinfo-php-disclosure-2/
wget -t 1 -T     Wget-Exploit-ACL-bypass-RaceCond-CVE-2016-7098 : http://legalhackers.com/advisories/eBay-Magento-XXE-Injection-Vulnerability.html
wget -t 1 -T    Code guru - How to hack #4 XML External Entity Processing : http://iamcode.guru/how-to-hack-4-xml-external-entity-processing.html
wget -t 1 -timeout=60 -c --directory-prefix=/media/new_volume/    Full text of "Linux For You Magazine Issue 80" : http://archive.org/stream/Linux-For-You-Issue-80/Linux-For-You-80-2009-09_djvu.txt
wget -t 1 http://    The Search For Shellshock - Security SiftSecurity Sift : http://www.securitysift.com/the-search-for-shellshock/
wget -t 1 http:///pub/static/frontend/Magento/luma/en_US/css/styles-m.css    How to debug Magento 2.0 LESS processor (Oyejorge) - Magento 2 : http://mage2.pro/t/topic/16
wget -t 1 http://localhost:7875/    [ANN] bitaddress.org Safe JavaScript Bitcoin address/private key : http://bitcointalk.org/index.php@topic=313082.0
wget -t 1 http://noc.ws.nsrc.org/downloads/netdot/oui.txt     Netdot_1_0_7 Bangkok Neutral Internet eXchange : http://www.bknix.co.th/trac/wiki/Netdot_1_0_7
wget -t 1 http://noc.ws.nsrc.org/downloads/netdot/oui.txt     : http://nsrc.org/workshops/2016/rwnog-nmm/netmgmt/en/netdot/exercises-netdot.htm
wget -t 1 http://sandilands.info/    Creating a Virtual Network of Linux Guests using VirtualBox (Old Version) : http://sandilands.info/sgordon/old-creating-a-virtual-network-of-linux-guests
wget -t 1 http://www.google.co.jp ---------------------------------------     Cygwin Referrence : http://ooo.iiyudana.net/htm/cygwin_chp11frame.htm
wget -t 1    tmp: wget : http://fiahfy.blogspot.com/2013/08/wget.html
wget -t 10 --max-redirect 1 --retry-connrefused -O "     : http://hub.docker.com/r/harisekhon/apache-drill/~/dockerfile/
wget -T 10 -nd --no-cache http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/packages/brscan-skey-0.2.4-1.x86_64.rpm    [SOLVED] F21: Brother printer/scanner: No scanner detected : http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php@t=303323
wget -T 10 -nd --no-cache http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/packages/brscan-skey-0.2.4-1.x86_64.rpm    SDB:Remote installation - openSUSE : http://en.opensuse.org/SDB%3ABrother_How_to_setup_a_Networked_Printer_Scanner
wget -T 10 -nd --no-cache http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/packages/hl1110cupswrapper-3.0.1-1.i386.rpm    LibreOffice Manager (lomanager) : http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php@topic=143929.0
wget -T 10 -nd --no-cache http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/packages/hl5450dncupswrapper-3.0.0-1.i386.deb    Planet Archlinux FR : http://planet.archlinux.fr/
wget -t 10 -nH -P backup -r ftp://USER:PASSWORD    downloads - Wget server issues or the command is wrong? - Ask Ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/34712/wget-server-issues-or-the-command-is-wrong
wget -t 10 -O %ID%-%%i.jpg "http://dl.ndl.go.jp/view/jpegOutput     出版文化史・書誌学・電子出版・図書館目録分類法関係の資料 : http://tanimoto.to/Publishing_Librarian/index.html
wget -t 10 -O /tmp/install_oray.sh http://code.taobao.org/svn/test43/phddns2/tmp/install_oray.sh : http://code.taobao.org/svn/test43/phddns2/tmp/install_oray.sh
wget -T 10 -t 1 http://openfst.cs.nyu.edu/twiki/pub/FST/FstDownload/openfst-1.6.2.tar.gz    Compile Kaldi for Android - Clean Blog : http://jcsilva.github.io/2017/03/18/compile-kaldi-android/
wget -t 10 -U BashPodder -c -q -O     2008 December | Software As She's Developed : http://softwareas.com/2008/12/
wget -t 10 -U BashPodder -c -q -O    terminal - Why won't wget work with cron? - Ask Different : http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/9709/why-wont-wget-work-with-cron
wget -T 10 *.*.*.*/etc/passwd    Calico - Calico Networking with rkt : http://docs.projectcalico.org/v1.5/getting-started/rkt/vagrant/
wget -T 10 http://www.fcc-fac.ca    unix - How to use "wget" to save a file as a different name - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/q/290315
wget -T 10 https://localhost:7777/    Wget Ignores its Timeout – AlexT Debugs : http://alext.mail.at/@p=289
wget -t 10 https://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/centos/7/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1511.iso    20 Wget Command Examples For Linux : http://www.rootusers.com/20-wget-command-examples-for-linux/
wget -t 10 www.google.com    Wget For Beginners · : http://edmondscommerce.github.io/linux/wget-for-beginners.html
wget -T 1000 -t 3 -q -O "     ILMT/SUA 9 - IEM license generator fails with error "Check your Internet connection" message - IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) 9.x blog ブログ : http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/ilmt/entry/ilmt_sua_9_iem_license_generator_fails_with_error_check_your_internet_connection_message@maxresults=15&lang=ja_jp
wget -T 120 -t 3 --no-proxy --header=X-Ap-Info:CNCKHMJ3NB     Convert IAP205 to CAP error - Airheads Community : http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Wireless-Access/Convert-IAP205-to-CAP-error/td-p/301028
wget -T 15 -q -O- %s:%s    YAML Blueprint Advanced Example - Apache Brooklyn : http://brooklyn.apache.org/v/0.9.0/yaml/advanced-example.html
wget -T 15 -q "http://yourwebsite/special.html" -O /dev/null    How to unzip file - Raspberry Pi Forums : http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php@t=20826
wget -T 2 --page-requisites     Boston Key Party CTF 2016 writeups | Sebastian Neef - 0day.work : http://0day.work/boston-key-party-ctf-2016-writeups/
wget -T 2 --page-requisites     Boston Key Party CTF 2016 Good Morning and OptiProxy Writeup · security.szurek.pl : http://security.szurek.pl/boston-key-party-ctf-2016-good-morning-and-optiproxy-writeup.html
wget -T 2 --page-requisites    Boston Key Party CTF 2016 Writeups : http://eugenekolo.com/blog/boston-key-party/
wget -t 2 -O "+ local_save_pic_file    webcam slideshow movie : http://www.sunspot.co.uk/Projects/misc/upload_webcam_slideshow.html
wget -t 2 -O dnswl.txt http://www.dnswl.org/data/generic-dnswl    Wget Afraid - FREEDNS script help - MikroTik : http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php@t=15721
wget -t 2 -P response -o    りなっくすなう。: wgetでWebサイトのレスポンスを調査するシェルスクリプト : http://tanyaolinux.blogspot.com/2013/12/wgetweb.html
wget -t 2 -q "    VoCore Time-Lapse Photography | mozzwald.com : http://mozzwald.com/articles/vocore-time-lapse-photography
wget -T 2 -q nginx -O -    Deploying calico on kubernetes : http://www.slideshare.net/anir37/deploying-calico-on-kubernetes-81907287
wget -t 2 -T 10 -q -O    zabbix – 503: Service Unavailable : http://http503.wordpress.com/tag/zabbix/
wget -t 2 -T 100 -nv --passive-ftp     [oe] [meta-java] openjdk: openjdk.tar.bz2 download time out due to sha256sum mismatch. : http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-devel/2015-September/103572.html
wget -t 2 -T 20 --waitretry=20 --spider -S "    Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - PPM: How to download packages into any directory : http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php@t=100523
wget -t 2 -T 3 -q -O - api.myiptest.com    Desktop Command Execution Widget scripts - maemo.org wiki : http://wiki.maemo.org/Desktop_Command_Execution_Widget_scripts
wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --no-check-certificate"     [poky] [PATCH 13/31] bitbake.conf: Improve wget timeouts : http://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/poky/2012-June/007950.html
wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /group/bcapps/sandeepg/yocto/2017.1/zcu102-es2-opengl/build/downloads 'http://malideveloper.arm.com/downloads/drivers/DX910/r7p0-00rel0/DX910-SW-99002-r7p0-00rel0.tgz' --progress=dot -v failed with exit code 4    Solved: Mali error when building Linux for zcu102 with yoc... - Community Forums : http://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Welcome-Join/Mali-error-when-building-Linux-for-zcu102-with-yocto/td-p/815733
wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/ipek/yocto/toradex/build/downloads 'http://www.freescale.com/lgfiles/NMG/MAD/YOCTO//imx-gst1.0-plugin-4.1.4.tar.gz' --progress=dot -v failed with exit code 8    Where can I obtain imx-gst1.0-plugins-4.1.4 ? - Toradex Community : http://www.toradex.com/community/questions/7595/where-can-i-obtain-imx-gst10-plugins-414.html
wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/maor/work/ref-os-iot/build/downloads 'http://realsense-alm-public.s3.amazonaws.com/apt-repo/pool/xenial/main/libr/librealsense-object-recognition/librealsense-object-recognition0_0.5.1.rc0-0ubuntu2    "wget returned 4" during opkg update |Intel Communities : http://communities.intel.com/thread/113294
wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /media/buildyocto/d33f0769-cef1-41ac-9f89-133373f241f7/work/yocto/Build-Neopter-Minus/../../yocto_downloads 'ftp://ftp1.digi.com/support/digiembeddedyocto/source/mca_tool-1.9.tar.gz' --progress=dot -v failed with exit code 4    ftp1.digi.com failed: Connection timed out when building with Yocto. - Digi Forum : http://www.digi.com/support/forum/65730/ftp1-digi-failed-connection-timed-when-building-with-yocto
wget -t 2 -T 3000 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate"    Leon Anavi - Mobile & Embedded - Building Poky with Wayland and Weston for Raspberry Pi 2 using the Yocto Project : http://www.anavi.org/article/189/
wget -t 2 -T 3000 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate"    raspberrypi2でyocto - メモ : http://mickey-happygolucky.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/02/13/081527
wget -t 2 -T 5 -q -O -    Gentoo on AWS – Artem Butusov Blog : http://www.artembutusov.com/gentoo-on-aws/
wget -T 20 -t 3 %s -O %s    Dissecting modern (3G/4G) cellular modems : http://git.gnumonks.org/laforge-slides/plain/2016/cellular_modems_33c3/33c3-modems.html
wget -t 22 --waitretry=48 --wait=33 --random-wait --referer="" --user-agent=""    March 2014 – Ngニー盻拱 ト雪コソn T盻ォ Bテャnh Dニーニ。ng : http://nguoidentubinhduong.wordpress.com/2014/03/
wget -t 22 --waitretry=48 --wait=33 --random-wait --referer="" --user-agent=""    wget Wikipedia : http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wget
wget -t 22 --waitretry=48 --wait=33 --random-wait --user-agent=""    Wget : Wikis (The Full Wiki) : http://www.thefullwiki.org/Wget
wget -t 22waitretry=48wait=33random-waitreferer="" --user-agent=""    VisualWget - WikiVisually : http://wikivisually.com/wiki/VisualWget
wget -t 22waitretry=48wait=33random-waitreferer="" --user-agent=""    Wget - Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wget
wget -t 22waitretry=48wait=33random-waitreferer="" --user-agent=""    Wget : http://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/Wget.html
wget -t 3 --http-user=admin    [Bug-wget] --no-check-certificate does not work in *.*.*.*7 : http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-wget/2016-02/msg00031.html
wget -t 3 --no-check-certificate -O    privoxy-blocklist.sh [ALW - Home] : http://andrwe.org/scripting/bash/privoxy-blocklist
wget -t 3 --no-verbose "http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/iplist.php    IP blacklist on nethserver - Feature - NethServer Community : http://community.nethserver.org/t/ip-blacklist-on-nethserver/2919
wget -T 3 --spider    [ThinkIT] 第6回:UserParameter設定で様々な監視を実現 (3/3) : http://thinkit.co.jp/cert/article/0611/19/6/3.htm
wget -T 3 --spider    HTTP Proxy経由でのweb監視について | 日本Zabbixユーザー会 : http://www.zabbix.jp/node/625
wget -t 3 -q -O - "[email protected]" https://alias.sh/user/1133/alias)    alias.sh puts your Linux shell alias on the clouds | Linuxaria : http://linuxaria.com/pills/alias-sh-puts-your-linux-shell-alias-on-the-clouds
wget -T 3 -t 1 -q    Quickly Check Gmail with BASH « Shell Person : http://www.shellperson.net/quickly-check-gmail-with-bash/
wget -T 3 -t 1 http://localhost:3000)     Module 2 - An Introduction to Jenkins for Testers | TestManagement.com : http://www.testmanagement.com/module-2-an-introduction-to-jenkins-for-testers
wget -t 3 -T 3 --no-cache -q -m www.yoursite.com    MidCOM - Tightly coupled PHP framework and CMS for Midgard : http://midgard-project.org/midcom/
wget -t 3 -T 30 -qO-    IPTables GeoIP, Port Knocking and Port Scan Detection : http://blog.ls20.com/iptables-geoip-port-knocking-and-port-scan-detection/
wget -t 3 -T 5 --quiet ' urls    hi everyone, how to solve this problem: 'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command? - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central : http://se.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/371356-hi-everyone-how-to-solve-this-problem-wget-is-not-recognized-as-an-internal-or-external-command
wget -t 3 -T 60 --passive-ftp --limit-rate=200k -O \"\    make.confの設定 : http://sicp.seesaa.net/article/272615341.html
wget -t 3 -T 60 --passive-ftp -O "    [FL-3044] app-office/libreoffice-*.*.*.* doesn't match GTK system wide theme - Funtoo JIRA : http://bugs.funtoo.org/browse/FL-3044
wget -t 3 -T 60 --passive-ftp -O "    Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Connection reset by peer : http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-7441652.html
wget -t 3 -T 60 --passive-ftp -O "    switching to current... - Portage Help - funtoo forums : http://forums.funtoo.org/topic/1179-switching-to-current/
wget -t 3 -T 60 -w 2 -nc "http://thunder.tepco.co.jp/wdata/1/89_    超小型PC「Raspberry Pi」で夏休み自由課題・第2回 - 雨量や雷情報を3分おきに自動取得するプログラム (2) シェルスクリプトで目的のデータを自動取得 | マイナビニュース : http://news.mynavi.jp/article/20140814-raspberry-pi2/2
wget -t 3 -T 60 https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-sans/raw/release/OTF/SourceHanSansJ.zip    2017年8月 – 怠惰の形而上学 : http://oppekepe.org/date/2017/08
wget -t 3 -w 20 -o "/tmp/dyndns0.err" -O "/tmp/dyndns0.out" --http-user=USERNAME --http-passwd=PASSWORD "http://dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update    OpenDNS dynamic IP updating - DNS-O-Matic : http://www.zeroshell.org/forum/viewtopic.php@t=1122
wget -t 3 url    Interruptable gets with wget (Unix Power Tools, 3rd Edition) : http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/unix3/upt/ch40_07.htm
wget -T 30 --post-data '    Random Bits from Boredom: RPi3 media server with Volumio and Kodi : http://whatdoineed2do.blogspot.com/2016/10/rpi3-media-server-with-volumio-and-kodi.html
WGET -T 30 -O    DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Country Whitelist Script - Block rest of the countries : http://www.dd-wrt.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=307629&sid=e215a2557fd0241febb58cace172caba
wget -T 30 -q     accelecon / ModemManager / wiki / AlcatelW800 — Bitbucket : http://bitbucket.org/accelecon/modemmanager/wiki/AlcatelW800
wget -T 30 -t 1 -O /var/tmp/paludis-tarsync-cvh9gX/exherbo_repositories.tar.bz2 http://git.exherbo.org/exherbo_repositories.tar.bz2    paludis for users | Blag : http://ciaranm.wordpress.com/category/paludis/paludis-for-users/
wget -t 40 URL    [ubuntu] issues mirroring a website with wget : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php@t=1205013
wget -t 45 -o log http://downloads.dbpedia.org/3.7/en/    Linux/Unix/Programming - Danica Damljanovic : http://www.danicadamljanovic.com/how-to/useful-links
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.cc.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg : http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/mirror/wgetinf2.txt
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.cc.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    GNU Wget Manual : http://sunsite.univie.ac.at/textbooks/wget/wget.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.cc.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    GNU Wget Manual : http://www.hariguchi.org/info/ja/wget-1.5.3/wget-ja.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.cc.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    GNU Wget: WGET-E.TXT (J) : http://mannequeen.net/portal/mirror/DEFAULT-Sample-/plaza27.mbn.or.jp/~satomii/jdoc/wget/wget-j5.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.cc.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    Wget Manual - Examples : http://www.editcorp.com/personal/lars_appel/wget/v1/wget_7.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    GNU Wget 1.10 Manual: 9. 付録 : http://quruli.ivory.ne.jp/document/wget_1.10/wget-ja_7.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    GNU Wget 1.18 Manual: Wgetrc Commands : http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Simple-Usage.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    GNU Wget 1.9 Manual: 様々なもの : http://www.bookshelf.jp/texi/wget/wget-ja_7.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    GNU Wget Manual: Examples : http://linux.math.tifr.res.in/manuals/html/wget/wget_7.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    Linux Man Page: wget command - Open Software : http://www.linuxguide.it/command_line/linux-manpage/do.php@file=wget
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    Linux的下命令wget : http://www.360doc.com/content/14/0416/14/3038654_369463542.shtml
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    Manuテ。lovテ。 strテ。nka wget - Root.cz : http://www.root.cz/man/1/wget/
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    Podr鹹znik GNU Wget - 7. Przykウady : http://www.linux.net.pl/~wkotwica/doc/wget/wget_8.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    RedHat 9 (Linux i386) - man page for wget (redhat section 1) - Unix & Linux Commands : http://www.unix.com/man-page/redhat/1/wget/
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    Solaris - wget(1) : http://www.opensolarisforum.org/man/man1/wget.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    wget-lua/wget.texi at master 揃 alard/wget-lua 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/alard/wget-lua/blob/master/doc/wget.texi
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    wget - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/perry_peng/article/details/7182886
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    WGET : http://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/manual/wget-1.18.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://fly.srk.fer.hr/jpg/flyweb.jpg    wget : http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/linuxcommand.org/man_pages/wget1.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://foo.bar.com/jpg/flyweb.jpg    How to non-interactively retrieve files from the Web : http://www.akadia.com/services/wget.html
wget -t 45 -o log http://foo.bar.com/jpg/flyweb.jpg    User:Igor/Linux Tips - BlenderWiki : http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User%3AIgor/Linux_Tips
wget -t 45 -o log http://required_site    Wget , tircks and tips | Experiments on GNU/Linux : http://h3manth.com/2009/01/08/wget-tircks-and-tips
wget -t 5 --passive-ftp --limit-rate=200k \     Gentoo Linux Users Group Japan – Gentoo Linux tips 集 : http://www.gentoo.jp/jpmain/tips.html
wget -T 5 --tries=1 -O/dev/null "    [SOLVED] How to select best mirror for slackpkg : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/how-to-select-best-mirror-for-slackpkg-4175562376/
wget -T 5 -i filestodownload.txt    How To Find A File In Linux Using The Command Line : http://www.lifewire.com/download-file-from-command-line-2202055
wget -t 5 -nc -x -nH -i wget_list.txt    wget コマント – UT MEMO : http://usual.tools/m/entry/128
wget -t 5 -O /dev/null 'http://Username:Password1    linux - wget authenticated HTTP Connection Failed - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/160937/wget-authenticated-http-connection-failed
wget -t 5 -o log www.linuxorg.com    wget command examples ~ Linux IQ : http://linuxadministrative.blogspot.com/2014/05/wget-command-examples.html
wget -T 5 -O    Oscam Version Auto Update on Dreambox « Cardsharing « tek.readers : http://tekreaders.com/blog/2011/04/11/oscam-version-auto-update-on-dreambox/
wget -T 5 -r -nH -nd -O /home/[username]/.local/share/orage/orage.ics [URL]. The -T 5 is a five second timeout    Don't Surf in the Nude!: Sync Orage and Google Calendar : http://dontsurfinthenude.blogspot.com/2013/08/sync-orage-and-google-calendar.html
wget -T 5 -t 1 http://*.*.*.* -O /dev/null -o /dev/null    Restart lost IPSEC connection in IPFIRE automatically - EDV-Huber.com : http://www.edv-huber.com/index.php/problemloesungen/17-restart-lost-ipsec-connection-in-ipfire-automatically
wget -T 5 -t 1 http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip    HOWTO Implement GeoDNS using BIND : http://geoip.site/
wget -t 5 -T 10 -O    Nautilus / Thunar Pastebin Script, all Ubuntus  - TuxGarage : http://www.tuxgarage.com/2012/08/nautilus-pastebin-script.html
wget -t 5 -T 60    [Solved] Gentoo: emerge --sync fails | UCT LEG : http://www.leg.uct.ac.za/forum/topic/support/2008/09/solved-gentoo-emerge-sync-fails
wget -T 5 -U "    マナカナを集める - かれ4 : http://blog.tottokug.com/entry/2015/07/30/214048
wget -t 5    Best way to download file in Mint/Ubuntu .. | _Beginner 2 Computer Science : http://www.codecops.in/2016/03/best-way-to-download-file-in-mintubuntu.html
wget -t 5 ftp://ftp.xxxxxx.co.jp/file.tar.gz    [wget] ファイルのダウンロード - A First Course in Linux : http://sites.google.com/site/afcinbash/home/tips/-wget-fairunodaunrodo
wget -t 5 ftp://ftp.xxxxxx.co.jp/file.tar.gz    Gou Home | Blog Archive | 【 wget 】 ファイルをダウンロードする : http://gougou.mydns.jp/wp_gou/@p=458
wget -t 5 ftp://ftp.xxxxxx.co.jp/file.tar.gz    Linuxコマンド集 - 【 wget 】 ファイルをダウンロードする:ITpro : http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/COLUMN/20060228/230995/
wget -t 5 ftp://ftp.xxxxxx.co.jp/file.tar.gz    wgetの使い方いろいろ - Qiita : http://qiita.com/katsukii/items/ef251830776cbe108cfb
wget -t 5 http://examples.com/examples.tar.gz    wget ファイルをダウンロード – Linuxコマンド | MAKIZOU.COM : http://makizou.com/1336/
wget -t 5 http://place.your.url/here    Downloading without a Browser LG #70 : http://www.tldp.org/LDP/LG/issue70/chung.html
wget -t 50 http://www.domain.com/filename.tar.gz. You could also set it to infinite retries using -t inf    Downloading files with wget – pair Networks KnowledgeBase : http://www.pair.com/support/kb/paircloud-downloading-files-with-wget/
wget -T 60 -t 3 -a /tmp/zabbix_smslog.txt -O - "http://*.*.*.*/sendsms.php     How to download map.png - ZABBIX Forums : http://www.zabbix.com/forum/showthread.php@t=11783
wget -t 7 --waitretry=14 --random-wait -q http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-    How to deploy an Elasticsearch cluster easily - Layer4 : http://layer4.fr/blog/2013/04/15/how-to-deploy-an-elasticsearch-cluster-easily/
wget -T 8 --max-redirect=0 -o    Wget - Archiveteam : http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php/Lulu_Poetry
WGET -t 9 -T 9 -nH -q -nd -O    NOD32 linux mirror update 1.1 - Ashus (.ashus.net) : http://ashus.ashus.net/viewtopic.php@t=68
wget -t inf -c http://llvm.org/releases/    Building LLVM/Clang: The Missing Manual : http://chiselapp.com/user/ttmrichter/repository/gng/doc/trunk/output/blog/2016/01-llvm-clang-missing-manual.html
wget -t number [URL]    Wget command in Linux/Unix - GeeksforGeeks : http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/wget-command-linuxunix/
wget -t number_of_retries https://example.com    wget command : http://jonlabelle.com/snippets/view/shell/wget-command
wget -t number_of_retries https://example.com    wget command man page | ManKier : http://www.mankier.com/1/wget
wget -T to 20 and set -t to 0    curl - How to set wget timeout parameters? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13265398/how-to-set-wget-timeout-parameters