Command option Sample:aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Returns a description of the specified resource in the specifiedstack.Show details from next link.

aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource --stack-name AWSMPBASICCloudControllerwithnewVPC1 --logical-resource-id Cloudbreak --query StackResourceDetail.Metadata --out text
aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource --stack-name ec2-bootstrapped-webserver
    CloudFormation/ at master 揃 eduardoamendola/CloudFormation 揃 GitHub :
aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource --region=
    amazon web services - CloudFormation AutoScalingGroup not waiting for signal on update/scale-up - Stack Overflow :
aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource --stack-name bogo-lambda-file-processing --logical-resource-id InputBucket --query "StackResourceDetail.PhysicalResourceId" --output text)
    AWS CloudWatch & Logs with Lambda Function / S3 - 2018 :
aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource \
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