Command option Sample:aws cloudformation package

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Packages the local artifacts (local paths) that your AWSCloudFormation template references.Show details from next link.

aws cloudformation package --template-file samTemplate.yaml --s3-bucket testbucket-77 --output-template-file NewSamTemplate.yaml
    How to build a AWS CodePipeline to build and deploy a Lambda function written in Scala | 7oas7er's sliced thoughts :
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    Serverless App: AWS CloudTrail Log Analytics using Amazon Elasticsearch Service :
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    How to Migrate a Go API to Serverless (in Under 10 Mins) | Andrew Griffiths :
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    Painfully Simple AWS Serverless Apps | Base11 Studios :
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    Examining the AWS Serverless Application Repository :
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    How I built a serverless BI dashboard at $2 AWS | Cloud Architecture | DevOps | Containers | Serverless Apps | Building Microservices | Big Data :
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    The Cloud Immigrant:
Journey of an On-Prem Developer to the Cloud – Brian Yamabe :
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    AWS CloudFormation Support — Python Serverless Microframework for AWS 1.6.0 documentation :
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    From Servlerless to AWS SAM – Cloudly Tech :
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    Easy-going AWS CloudFormation: cfn-modules | cloudonaut :
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    Use AWS CloudFormation to Automate Static Site Deployment with S3 | Okta Developer :
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    AWS Lambda with Spring Boot - DZone Integration :
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    Serverless Dynamic Web Pages in AWS - Engineering at Monsanto :
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    Question: Why does 'cloudformation package' require '--s3-bucket' 揃 Issue #3024 揃 aws/aws-cli 揃 GitHub :
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    Managing multi-environment serverless architecture using AWS an investigation :
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    AWS Lambda with Spring Boot | Keyhole Software :
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    Deploying with AWS SAM: Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and S3 :
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    Redirect Requests To A Domain With AWS Lambda - Modus Create :
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    [RECOMMENDED] Best AWS CloudFormation Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced :
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    AWS CloudFormation | Noise :
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    How to increase the speed of your AWS Lambda continuous deployment builds :
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    Lambda | Apollo Server :
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    Introduction to AWS Serverless Application Model | Baeldung :
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    aws-cli:Amazon Web Services 的通用命令行界面 - Python - | CTOLib :
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    Smart Heater on ESP8266, AWS IoT and Mongoose OS :
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    AWS Lambda + API Gateway :
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    aws cloudformation package ignoring CodeUri path : aws :
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    Serverless Archives | TechConnect IT Solutions | AWS Advanced Partner | Queensland :
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    One Serverless CloudFormation Template.yml File For All Environments! - WoJ :

aws のオプション一覧