Command option Sample:aws cloudfront create-distribution

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Creates a new web distribution.Show details from next link.

aws cloudfront create-distribution \\\n --origin-domain-name \\\n --default-root-object index.html"
    Five minute website hosting with Amazon S3 and CloudFront :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --distribution-config file://my-example-jekyll-site.json
    Automating the build and deployment of our team site with Jekyll, GitHub, Travis, S3 and CloudFront :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --distribution-config file://distconfig.json
    create-distribution — AWS CLI 1.16.3 Command Reference :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --distribution-config file:///tmp/distconfig.json
    Quick static websites on AWS S3 and CloudFront with the AWS CLI :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --distribution-config
    ansible-s3-website/cloudfront.yml at master 揃 noqcks/ansible-s3-website 揃 GitHub :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --cli-input-json file://create-distribution.input.json
    AWS CLI コマンドラインでCloudFront - vague memory :
aws cloudfront create-distribution \
    Securing private docs with CloudFront & Lambda@Edge :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --cli-input-json file://cf.json.

Testing it

The first thing to test was simply curlling the newly created distribution

    Using Amazon S3 + CloudFront + Certificate Manager to get seamless static HTTPS support - nTh among all :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --distribution-config file://distroConfig.json
    AWS Hugo Hosting, HowTo · Joseph Lust :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --distribution-config file://cf.json
    Add S3 bucket using awscli (example) | Notes and anecdotes :
aws cloudfront create-distribution: Adds support for
    aws-cli-1.11.104-11.4.1.noarch RPM :
aws cloudfront create-distribution \
    Hosting on AWS S3, CloudFront and SSL Certificate Manager | :
aws cloudfront create-distribution --distribution-config
    amazon web services - AWS CLI create cloudfront distribution: --distribution-config - Stack Overflow :
aws cloudfront create-distribution \
    Five minute website hosting with Amazon S3 and CloudFront | Poplatek :

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