Command option Sample:aws codebuild create-project

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Creates a build project.Show details from next link.

aws codebuild create-project --name computersfearme-build \
    Automating Static Website Deployment, Part 2 :
aws codebuild create-project --cli-input-json file://create-project.json
    Getting Started with AWS CodeBuild - AWS CodeBuild :
aws codebuild create-project --cli-input-json file://create-project.json
    aws-codebuild-user-guide/ at master 揃 awsdocs/aws-codebuild-user-guide 揃 GitHub :
aws codebuild create-project --cli-input-json file://codebuild-project.json\n
    Backing up Route53 with Ruby and Lambda Henning Kristensen Medium :
aws codebuild create-project --name CodeBuild-DEB-Demo --cli-input-json file://cb-ubuntu-project.json
    codebuild | Noise | Page 2 :
aws codebuild create-project --name CodeBuild-DEB-Demo --cli-input-json file://cb-ubuntu-project.json
    Create Multiple Builds from the Same Source Using Different AWS CodeBuild Build Specification Files | Cloud Enlightened :
aws codebuild create-project --cli-input-json file://create-project.json
    AWS CodeCommit, IAM, CodeBuild with awscli – shallawell :
aws codebuild create-project help and then press q to exit
    amazon web services - "Inline literal start-string without end-string" from AWS CLI - Stack Overflow :
aws codebuild create-project --cli-input-json file: \\/\\/project.json
    [UAA-231] As a Bamboo user, I want support for AWS CodeBuild - Jira - Utoolity Support :
aws codebuild create-project --name [ProjectName] --description "[ProjectDescription]" --source type="CODECOMMIT"
     Creating a CI/CD Pipeline on AWS - Part II: CodeBuild :
aws codebuild create-project

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