Command option Sample:aws codecommit update-repository-name

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Renames a repository.Show details from next link.

aws codecommit update-repository-name --old-name myapp --new-name MyNewApp
    AWS Codecommit Tutorial - Beginners Guide :
aws codecommit update-repository-name --old-name MyDemoRepo --new-name MyRenamedDemoRepo
    update-repository-name — AWS CLI 1.16.4 Command Reference :
aws codecommit update-repository-name --old-name foxutech --new-name motoskia
    Introduction to AWS Codecommit: AWS Version Control System :
aws codecommit update-repository-name --old-name
    jawsug-cli-handson-37/ at master 揃 NobuhiroNakayama/jawsug-cli-handson-37 揃 GitHub :
aws codecommit update-repository-name --old-name MyDemoRepo --new-name MyRenamedDemoRepo
    How to rename a git repository? - Stack Overflow :
aws codecommit update-repository-name --old-name myapp --new-name MyNewApp
    CI/CD with AWS Code Services :

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