Command option Sample:aws deploy push

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Bundles and uploads to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) anapplication revision, which is a zip archive file that containsdeployable content and an accompanying Application Specification file(AppSpec file).Show details from next link.

aws deploy push \
    AWS CodeDeployを使ってAnsible or itamae + Serverspec - Qiita :
aws deploy push --application-name
    Pipelines manual steps for confidence in your deployment pipeline | Bitbucket Blog :
aws deploy push --application-name CustomDeployment
    【Code3兄弟シリーズ】CodeDeploy~CustomDeployment編~ – サーバーワークスエンジニアブログ :
aws deploy push --application-name
    Deploy to Amazon AWS - Atlassian Documentation :
aws deploy push --application-name WordPress_App --description "This is my deployment" --ignore-hidden-files --s3-location s3://CodeDeployDemoBucket/ --source /tmp/MyLocalDeploymentFolder/
    push — AWS CLI 1.16.5 Command Reference :
aws deploy push --application-name
    Amazon EC2 :
aws deploy push --application-name
    Programmable Infrastructure in Your Organization - DZone Integration :
aws deploy push --application-name WordPress_App --s3-location s3://CodeDeployDemoBucket/ --source /tmp/MyLocalDeploymentFolder/
    Practicalnode :
aws deploy push --application-name HelloWorld \
    Hoshi Sato - Tools :
aws deploy push --application-name MyApp --s3-location s3://inokappa-codedeploy/ --source ./ --region us-east-1
    CodeDeploy :
aws deploy push --application-name
    Deploy to Amazon AWS - Atlassian Documentation :
aws deploy push --application-name MYAPP --s3-location s3://AppCodeBucket/ ...
    Intra-Cloud App Disruption Risks – Asterisk Labs :
aws deploy push --application-name TestApplication --description
    question when using lambda to trigger code deploy by Sophie L :
aws deploy push command to bundle the code and upload it to Amazon S3.
    Performing Blue/Green Deployments with AWS CodeDeploy and Auto Scaling Groups | Noise :
aws deploy push --application-name project --region eu-central-1 --s3-location s3://code-deploy/project
    Autoscaling with AWS, Laravel, CodeDeploy and OpsWorks Chef Automation - Pionect :
aws deploy push --application-name semaphore-app --s3-location s3://semaphore-bucket/ --source
    Packaging and Deploying Go Applications to AWS using Semaphore - Semaphore :
aws deploy push --debug command. The file to be uploaded is around 250 KB. But upload doesn
    amazon web services - Slow upload speed in aws deploy push command - Stack Overflow :
aws deploy push --application-name
    Rocketeer:PHP世界里的一个快速的部署器 - PHP - | CTOLib :
aws deploy push --application-name
    How to make AWS CodeDeploy to use AWS CodeCommit as a Git repo - Quora :
aws deploy push aws deploy push --application-name My_App_Production --s3-location s3://my-app-production/build-
    Re-Introducing Jenkins: Automated Testing with Pipelines — SitePoint :

aws のオプション一覧