Command option Sample:aws devicefarm get-run

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Gets information about a run.Show details from next link.

aws devicefarm get-run arn arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:705582597265:run:2c21a412-bb7b-4657-a28c-d7d78b3888f7/61c16425-15c8-4fba-a44f-07dcba60f717

    Get started with the AWS Device Farm CLI and Calabash Part 1: Creating a Device Farm Run for Android Calabash Test Scripts | AWS Mobile Blog :
aws devicefarm get-run --arn=
    bitrise-aws-device-farm-runner/ at master 揃 peartherapeutics/bitrise-aws-device-farm-runner 揃 GitHub :
aws devicefarm get-run --arn
    Test Mobile Apps with Jenkins Workflow and AWS Device Farm | CloudBees :

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