Command option Sample:aws dms create-endpoint

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Creates an endpoint using the provided settings.Show details from next link.

aws dms create-endpoint --endpoint-identifier test-endpoint-1 --endpoint-type source --engine-name Db2 --username admin --password password --server-name port 8192
    AWS Database Migration Service and AWS Schema Conversion Tool now support IBM Db2 LUW as a source | AWS Database Blog :
aws dms create-endpoint --endpoint-identifier test-endpoint-1 --endpoint-type source --engine-name mysql --username username --password password --server-name --port 3306
    create-endpoint — AWS CLI 1.16.6 Command Reference :
aws dms create-endpoint --endpoint-identifier test-endpoint-1 --endpoint-type source --engine-name Db2 --username admin --password password --server-name
    AWS Database Migration Service and AWS Schema Conversion Tool now support IBM Db2 LUW as a source :
aws dms create-endpoint --endpoint-identifier ORCL1 --endpoint-type source \
    AWS Database Migration Service :

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