Command option Sample:aws ec2 move-address-to-vpc

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Moves an Elastic IP address from the EC2-Classic platform to theEC2-VPC platform.Show details from next link.

aws ec2 move-address-to-vpc --public-ip
    System update this morning -- why it took so long - PythonAnywhere News :
aws ec2 move-address-to-vpc --public-ip *.*.*.*
    move-address-to-vpc — AWS CLI 1.16.6 Command Reference :
aws ec2 move-address-to-vpc --public-ip *.*.*.*
    amazon web services - How to assign EIP to Autoscaling Group of VPC in Cloudformation template - Stack Overflow :
aws ec2 move-address-to-vpc --public-ip*.*.*.* Output
    Migrate Elastic IP Address from EC2-Classic to EC2-VPC | TO THE NEW Blog :

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