Command option Sample:aws ecs update-container-agent

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Updates the Amazon ECS container agent on a specified containerinstance.Show details from next link.

aws ecs update-container-agent --cluster cluster_name --container-instance container_instance_id To update the ecs-init package on the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI 1. Log into your container instance via SSH. 2. Update the ecs-init package with the following command. [ec2-user
    Amazon EC2 Container Service. Developer Guide API Version - PDF :
aws ecs update-container-agent --cluster cluster_name --container-instance container_instance_id
    Manually Updating the Amazon ECS Container Agent (for Non-Amazon ECS-optimized AMIs) - Amazon Elastic Container Service  :
aws ecs update-container-agent --cluster ecs-ml-cluster --container-instance container_instance_id
    cadec-2017-service-discovery/ at master 揃 callistaenterprise/cadec-2017-service-discovery 揃 GitHub :
aws ecs update-container-agent --cluster cluster_name --containerinstance container_instance_id
    Amazon Elastic Container Service - Developer Guide - AWS - PDF Free Download :
aws ecs update-container-agent --cluster=www-project-com --container-instance=0000000-aaa-bbbb-ccc-000000000 – Using the AWS EC2 Container Registry with EC2 Container Service :
aws ecs update-container-agent --cluster CLUSTER_NAME
    Amazon ECS (March 2016) :

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