Command option Sample:aws efs create-file-system

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Creates a new, empty file system.Show details from next link.

aws efs create-file-system --creation-token
    Amazon Elastic File System on Kubernetes · Banzai Cloud :
aws efs create-file-system \
    Walkthrough 1: Create Amazon EFS File System and Mount It on an EC2 Instance Using the AWS CLI - Amazon Elastic File System  :
aws efs create-file-system --creation-token docker-volume-test"
    Using AWS EFS, Netshare And Docker-In-Docker To Create Distributed Docker Volumes. :
aws efs create-file-system \
    EFS - Manged filesystem 作成・パフォーマンス :
aws efs create-file-system --creation-token rtfm_efs
    AWS: EFS Elastic File System | RTFM: Linux, DevOps и системное администрирование :
aws efs create-file-system --creation-token 1
    kubernetes - How to update a container only? - Stack Overflow :

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