Command option Sample:aws elasticbeanstalk restart-app-server

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Causes the environment to restart the application container serverrunning on each Amazon EC2 instance.Show details from next link.

aws elasticbeanstalk restart-app-server --environment-name my-env
    restart-app-server — AWS CLI 1.16.6 Command Reference :
aws elasticbeanstalk restart-app-server --environment-name
    aws-ohdsi-automated-deployment/ at master 揃 awslabs/aws-ohdsi-automated-deployment 揃 GitHub :
aws elasticbeanstalk restart-app-server --environment-name my-env
    amazon web services - How AWS Beanstalk Use Commands to Restart Application Server - Server Fault :
aws elasticbeanstalk restart-app-server --environment-name my-env
    node.js - how to restart node application automatically on aws elastic-beanstalk - Stack Overflow :

aws のオプション一覧