Command option Sample:aws elb remove-tags

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Removes one or more tags from the specified load balancer.Show details from next link.

aws elb remove-tags --load-balancer-name my-load-balancer --tags project
    remove-tags — AWS CLI 1.16.6 Command Reference :
aws elb remove-tags --load-balancer-name my-loadbalancer --tag project
    [PDF] Elastic Load Balancing ecoeaÊaa - Free Download PDF :
aws elb remove-tags --load-balancer-name=
    ec2_elb_lb is not idempotent if the elb tags are different ‘µ Issue #29965 ‘µ ansible/ansible ‘µ GitHub :
aws elb remove-tags --load-balancer-names NAME --tags TAGS vsaws route53 change-tags-for-resource --resource-type hostedzone --resource-id ID --remove-tag-keys TAGS . Trick question: on how many dimensions this is different
    How fucked is AWS CLI/API – Ilya's blog :
aws elb remove-tags \
    Adding or Removing Tags in LBU - Documentation - Outscale :

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