Command option Sample:aws emr create-cluster

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Creates an Amazon EMR cluster with the specified configurations.Show details from next link.

aws emr create-cluster \
    Installation: Amazon EMRFS | Axibase Time Series Database - ATSD :
aws emr create-cluster --name ImpalaCluster --ami-version 3.1.0 --instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER
    Using Impala, Amazon EMR, and Tableau to Analyze and Visualize Data - Cloudera Engineering Blog :
aws emr create-cluster \
    A journey to Amazon EMR (and Spark) - Sqreen Blog | Modern Application Security :
aws emr create-cluster --no-auto-terminate --ec2-attributes KeyName=key-name
    Running Apache Spark on AWS :
aws emr create-cluster --release-label emr-5.2.1 \
    Launch an AWS EMR cluster with Pyspark and Jupyter Notebook inside a VPC - :
aws emr create-cluster --steps Type=STREAMING
    Sync Data to AWS S3: Leverage AWS EMR for Big Data Analytics :
aws emr create-cluster --name "Eugene's Spark Cluster" --release-label \
    Big Data: Amazon EMR, Apache Spark, and Apache Zeppelin - Part 1 of 2 :
aws emr create-cluster \
    amazon web services - A bash script to submit an AWS EMR job and poll until the cluster terminates - Code Review Stack Exchange :
aws emr create-cluster --applications Name=Hue Name=Hive Name=Pig Name=Oozie-Sandbox --bootstrap-actions '[
    Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) - eBird Proof of Concept - Cloudification Services - Dashboard :
aws emr create-cluster --ami-version 3.8.0 --ec2-attributes KeyName=MyKeyPair \
    Amazon Elastic MapReduce information - Cohen Courses :
aws emr create-cluster --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Hive Name=Pig --release-label emr-5.9.0 --instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER
    create-cluster — AWS CLI 1.16.6 Command Reference :
aws emr create-cluster \
    Data Processing on Amazon Web Services (AWS) :
aws emr create-cluster --applications Name=Hunk --ami-version 3.2.1 --instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER
    Install Hunk on Amazon Web Services with hourly pricing - Splunk Documentation :
aws emr create-cluster --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Hive Name=Pig --release-label emr-5.9.0 --instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER
    .../examples/emr/create-cluster-examples.rst | Fossies :
aws emr create-cluster --ami-version 3.4.0 --instance-groups file://./cluster.json --name "Test Cluster" --log-uri s3://mybucket/logs/ --enable-debugging --tags Name=emr
    data-science/ at master 揃 alexmilowski/data-science 揃 GitHub :
aws emr create-cluster --name "Papertrail log archives" --ami-version 3.3 --applications Name=Hue Name=Hive Name=Pig \
     Log analytics with Hadoop and Hive · Papertrail log management  :
aws emr create-cluster \\\n --name
    Run a Spark job within Amazon EMR in 15 minutes Big Data on Amazon Elastic MapReduce Medium :
aws emr create-cluster --name
    Create Custom AMIs and Push Updates to a Running Amazon EMR Cluster Using Amazon EC2 Systems Manager | Noise :
aws emr create-cluster \
    Creating a Spark Cluster on AWS EMR: a Tutorial :
aws emr create-cluster --generate-cli-skeleton
     Amazon Web Services -  :
aws emr create-cluster \
    Analytics at Scale: h2o, Apache Spark and R on AWS EMR :
aws emr create-cluster \
    GeoWave Quickstart Guide :*.*.*.*/docs/quickstart.html
aws emr create-cluster --name "Test cluster" -release-label --applications Name=Hive Name=Pig --use-default-roles --ec2-attributes KeyName=myKey --instance-type m3.xlarge --instance-count 3 --steps Type=CUSTOM_JAR
    amazon web services - Execute shell script as one of the steps on EMR AWS - Server Fault :
aws emr create-cluster --cli-input-json file://'pwd'/emr_cluster_up.json
    Is it possible to create cluster in EMR by giving all the configurations from json file - Stack Overflow :
aws emr create-cluster \
    Amazon EMR Performance Comparison dealing with Hadoops SmallFiles Problem :
aws emr create-cluster \
    50-node Presto Cluster on Amazon EMR  :
aws emr create-cluster --release-label emr-5.3.1
    Working with AWS from a Data Perspective :
aws emr create-cluster --auto-scaling-role EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole --termination-protected --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Hive Name=Pig Name=Hue --bootstrap-actions '[
    Using Amazon EMR and RStudio – Collective Action and Social Media Lab :
aws emr create-cluster \
    Driving AWS from the Command Line :
aws emr create-cluster \
    Bootstrapping GeoMesa HBase on AWS S3 — GeoMesa 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT Manuals :
aws emr create-cluster \
    Setting up an Apache Tajo Cluster on Amazon EMR | Gruter Blog :
aws emr create-cluster --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Hive Name=Presto-Sandbox ...
    Querying S3 data using Hive and Presto :
aws emr create-cluster \
    ETL Offload with Spark and Amazon EMR - Part 3 - Running pySpark on EMR :
aws emr create-cluster --name
    Masterclass Live: Amazon EMR :
aws emr create-cluster --name Accumulo --no-auto-terminate \
    Accumulo速 on AWS’s Elastic MapReduce – Surevine :
aws emr create-cluster \
    Upload your Spark app to an AWS cluster via a simple Python script :

aws のオプション一覧