Command option Sample:aws emr list-steps

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Provides a list of steps for the cluster in reverse order unless youspecify stepIds with the request.Show details from next link.

aws emr list-steps --cluster-id j-3SD91U2E1L2QX
    list-steps — AWS CLI 1.16.6 Command Reference :
aws emr list-steps --cluster-id [CLUSTER-ID]
    CommonCrawl Tutorial — ECS Networking :
aws emr list-steps --cluster-id j-2L74YHK3V8BCP
    GitHub - manuparra/starting-bigdata-aws :
aws emr list-steps --cluster-id
    Amazon EMR --wait-for-steps - Stack Overflow :
aws emr list-steps --cluster-id myclusterid Look for the script step status. If it is COMPLETED
    AWS Data Pipeline. Developer Guide API Version - PDF :
aws emr list-steps --cluster-id
    Automated Model Building with EMR, Spark, and Airflow - Agari :
aws emr list-steps --cluster-id j-1WNWN0K81WR11 --query 'Steps[
    Big Data and Cloud Tips: Getting the execution times of the EMR Steps from the CLI :

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