Creates or updates an automatic scaling policy for a core instancegroup or task instance group in an Amazon EMR cluster.Show details from next link.
aws emr put-auto-scaling-policy --cluster-id j-1EKZ3TYEVF1S2 --instance-group-id ig-3PLUZBA6WLS07 --auto-scaling-policy file://your/path/to/autoscaleconfig.json |
Auto Scaling in Amazon EMR - Amazon EMR : |
aws emr put-auto-scaling-policy --cluster-id j-1EKZ3TYEVF1S2 --instance-group-id ig-3PLUZBA6WLS07 --auto-scaling-policy file://your/path/to/autoscaleconfig.json |
java - Failed to provision the AutoScaling policy: EMR instance group doesn't exist - Stack Overflow : |