Command option Sample:aws es update-elasticsearch-domain-config

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Modifies the cluster configuration of the specified Elasticsearchdomain, setting as setting the instance type and the number ofinstances.Show details from next link.

aws es update-elasticsearch-domain-config --domain-name my-domain --log-publishing-options "SEARCH_SLOW_LOGS=
    Upgrading Elasticsearch - Amazon Elasticsearch Service :
aws es update-elasticsearch-domain-config --domain-name mylogs
    Amazon Elasticsearch Service - 開発者ガイド :鬯ョ・「繝サ8B%97繝サ8C・ア繝サ96・ー%85驛「・ァ繝サ・ャ驛「・ァ繝サ・、驛「%9D%89
aws es update-elasticsearch-domain-config --elasticsearch-cluster-config "InstanceType=m4.large.elasticsearch
    Setup Auto-scaling for AWS Elasticsearch | Haptik Tech Blog :
aws es update-elasticsearch-domain-config --domain-name es01-vpc01-prod-useast1 --access-policies '
    aws cli - Unable to update ElasticSearch access policy using AWS CLI - Server Fault :
aws es update-elasticsearch-domain-config --domain-name es01-vpc01-prod-useast1 --access-policies '
    aws cli - Unable to update ElasticSearch access policy using CLI - Stack Overflow :

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