Upload a new build to AWS GameLift.Show details from next link. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/cli/latest/reference/gamelift/upload-build.html
aws gamelift upload-build --operating-system [supported OS ] --build-root [build path ] --name [user-defined name of build ] --build-version [user-defined build number ] --region [region name ] |
Uploading Your Game to Amazon GameLift - Amazon GameLift : http://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/developerguide/gamelift-build-cli-uploading.html |
aws gamelift upload-build --operating-system [WINDOW_2012 or AMAZON_LINUX] --build-root [build path] --name [user-defined name of build] --build-version [user-defined build number] --region [region name] 22 Fleet Fleet |
_AWS-BlackBelt-GameLift - PDF : http://docsplayer.net/74016073-_aws-blackbelt-gamelift.html |
aws gamelift upload-build --name ProtoBallAlphaServer --build-version 0.0.1 --build-root |
Fleet can't start UE4 Dedicated Server - Game Dev Forum : http://gamedev.amazon.com/forums/questions/20211/fleet-cant-start-ue4-dedicated-server.html |
aws gamelift upload-build --operating-system AMAZON_LINUX --build-root . --name "GameLift demo build" --build-version "0.0.1" |
GitHub - iFunFactory/game-gl-demo-deploy : http://github.com/iFunFactory/game-gl-demo-deploy |
aws gamelift upload-build --name [your build name] --build-version [your build number] --build-root C:[build path] --region [region ] |
AWS Black Belt Online Seminar lumberyard : http://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServicesJapan/aws-black-belt-online-seminar-lumberyard |