Command option Sample:aws iam list-users

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Lists the IAM users that have the specified path prefix.Show details from next link.

aws iam list-users --output text --query 'Users[
    iam – The Lost Notebook :
aws iam list-users --profile development will output something similar to:
    Sample Serverless.yml for multiple AWS accounts needed! - Serverless Framework - Serverless Forums :
aws iam list-users --query Users[].UserName
    aws-cli: README.rst | Fossies :
aws iam list-users --no-paginate
    aws cli 揃 GitHub :
aws iam list-users --output table
    Getting AWS IAM info via AWS CLI and Linux | Henson Security Tools :
aws iam list-users --profile=kops
    Creating a Kubernetes cluster on AWS  :
aws iam list-users --query Users[].UserName
    awscli :
aws iam list-users --query Users[].UserName
    awscli 揃 PyPI :
aws iam list-users --output text --query 'Users[
    January 2018 – shallawell :
AWS IAM List-Users --Output Table

    Getting to Know the Basic AWS CLI Command Syntax -- Virtualization Review :
aws iam list-users --query Users[
    AWS Onboarding – Home :
aws iam list-users --profile %s'
    Managing AWS Command Line with Jake Tasks :
aws iam list-users --query Users[].UserName
    aws-cli:Amazon Web Services 的通用命令行界面 - Python社区 | CTOLib :
aws iam list-users --quer..." target="_blank">
    (DEV301) Automating AWS with the AWS CLI :
aws iam list-users --no-verify-ssl
     Cert error when using Fiddler with the AWS CLI - General discussion - Fiddler Forum :
aws iam list-users --query=
    AWS CLI 入門 - yuhei.kagaya :

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