Command option Sample:aws importexport get-shipping-label

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This operation generates a pre-paid UPS shipping label that you willuse to ship your device to AWS for processing.Show details from next link.

aws importexport get-shipping-label --job-ids EX1ID --name "Jane Roe" --company "Example Corp." --phone-number "206-555-1111" --country "USA" --state-or-province "WA" --city "Anytown" --postal-code "91011-1111" --street-1 "123 Any Street"
    importexport — AWS CLI 1.16.7 Command Reference :
aws importexport get-shipping-label: Add support for
    aws-cli-1.11.29-9.1.noarch RPM :
aws importexport get-shipping-label: Add support for
    aws-cli-1.9.12-3.1.src RPM :

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