Command option Sample:aws iot update-ca-certificate

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Updates a registered CA certificate.Show details from next link.

aws iot update-ca-certificate --certificate-id
    Just-in-Time Registration of Device Certificates on AWS IoT | The Internet of Things on AWS Official Blog :
aws iot update-ca-certificate --certificate-id caCertificateId --new-auto-registration-status ENABLE
    X.509 Certificates and AWS IoT - AWS IoT :
aws iot update-ca-certificate --cert-id caCertificateId --new-auto-registration-status ENABLE
    Aws Iot Mqtt - PDF Free Download :
aws iot update-ca-certificate --certificate-id
    aws-iot-device-management-workshop/ at master 揃 aws-samples/aws-iot-device-management-workshop 揃 GitHub :
aws iot update-ca-certificate --certificate-id
    How to send Self Signed CA Certificate to server from mbedTLS client - Discussion Forum - mbed TLS (Previously PolarSSL) :
aws iot update-ca-certificate --cert-id --new-auto-registration-status
    AWS IoT - Developer Guide IoT Developer Guide AWS IoT Components What Is AWS IoT? AWS IoT provides secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected devices such as - [PDF Document] :
aws iot update-ca-certificate --certificate-id [C..."/>
    Best Practices for IoT Security in the Cloud :

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