Command option Sample:aws kms encrypt

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Encrypts plaintext into ciphertext by using a customer master key(CMK).Show details from next link.

aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/
    AWS Lambda - Algorithmia Developer Center :
aws kms encrypt --key-id "alias/kms-key-alias" --encryption-context "Tool=bank-vaults" --plaintext fileb://vault-unseal-0.txt --output text --query CiphertextBlob
    bank-vaults | A Vault swiss-army knife: Go client with automatic token renewal, Kubernetes support, dynamic secrets, multiple unseal options and more. A CLI tool to init, unseal and configure Vault (auth methods, secret engines). A K8s operator. :
aws kms encrypt --key-id amzn-key-id --plaintext
    Brian Jacobel :
aws kms encrypt --key-id arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:
    AWS Key Management Service - Java byte by byte :
aws kms encrypt --key-id KEY_ID_FROM_STEP_1 plaintext
    Guest Blog: Best Practices using Chef with AWS - Chef Blog :
aws kms encrypt --region ap-southeast-2 --key-id alias/blah --plaintext fileb://blah --output text --query CiphertextBlob
    AWS KMS – two liners | Logan's Nest :
aws kms encrypt --key-id some_key_id --plaintext
    3 Common Challenges using Javascript / Node.js in AWS Lambda :
aws kms encrypt --key-id YOUR_KMS_ID --plaintext
    Using AWS KMS in Node.js Levi Chen :
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/gpmaa-lambda --plaintext my-password\n
    Turning my scheduled batch job into a Lambda, step by step :
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/YOUR_KEY_ALIAS --plaintext "YOUR_SLACK_TOKEN"

    Implementing Slash Commands Using Amazon Lambda Functions – Encrypting the Slack Token | OUseful.Info, the blog... :
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/sample-key --plaintext
    AWS Key Management System を使って暗号/復号化 - :
aws kms encrypt --key-id XXX --plaintext fileb://config_plain.json --output text --query CiphertextBlob
    Lessons learned: Serverless Chatbot architecture for marbot | cloudonaut :
aws kms encrypt --key-id 32eda7ac-25d1-4700-b988-c11cc93746d8 --plaintext secret
    Encryption at Rest :
aws kms encrypt --key-id 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab --plaintext fileb://ExamplePlaintextFile --output text --query CiphertextBlob
    encrypt — AWS CLI 1.16.10 Command Reference :
aws kms encrypt --key-id=a38f80cc-19b5-486a-a163-a4502b7a52cc --plaintext
    Getting AWS SNS Events into Honeycomb | Honeycomb  :
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/example --output text --query CiphertextBlob --plaintext
    Managing Secrets With KMS - DZone Security :
aws kms encrypt --key-id
    Encrypt/decrypt files using AWS KMS 揃 GitHub :
aws kms encrypt \
    Secrets management - Fanatical Support for AWS Product Guide :
aws kms encrypt --plaintext file://message.txt --key-id arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:xxxxxxxx:key/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx --output text --query CiphertextBlob
    AWS Key Management System (KMS) Olivier De Meulder Medium :
aws kms encrypt --key-id "aws kms encrypt \ - Encrypted Container Secrets with Terraform and S3 :
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/
    Using KMS in the shell :
aws kms encrypt --key-id 3c436c82-eabe-4b58-996f-6ca3f808f237 --plaintext 'Secret message' --query CiphertextBlob --output text
    A Simple AWS CLI KMS encrypt/decrypt example :
aws kms encrypt --key-id 123 --plaintext
    Service Deployments — STUPS Documentation SNAPSHOT documentation :
aws kms encrypt --key-id 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab
     AWS KMS Envelope Encryption - Cloudreach :
aws kms encrypt --key-id
    How can I call Amazon's AWS kms decrypt function without using a binary file? - edureka! Forum :
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/logglyCustomerToken --plaintext "aws kms encrypt --key-id 'arn:aws:kms...' --plaintext 'secret'
    How to Encrypt Serverless Environment Variable Secrets with KMS | Metal Toad :
aws kms encrypt --key-id
    Multi-account strategy for encrypted S3 buckets/objects : aws :
aws kms encrypt --key-id 69123367-0a7b-4456-885b-a87f08d7b8eb --plaintext file://ssl.pem --query CiphertextBlob --output text
    Cloud and DevOps ConsultantsKeeping Secrets Safe With KMS - Cloud and DevOps Consultants :
aws kms encrypt \
    Node Reference - Integration Tests – Source Allies :
aws kms encrypt \
    AWS: aws_kms_secret - Terraform by HashiCorp :
aws kms encrypt --plaintext "hello" --key-id alias/myKMSgeneratedKey --profile userB
    AWS Security Series: Key Management Service ( KMS ) | Udemy :

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