Command option Sample:aws lambda get-policy

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Returns the resource policy associated with the specified Lambdafunction.Show details from next link.

aws lambda get-policy --function-name hello-world-lambda-fn --region=us-east-1
    adobe-apiplatform/api-gateway-aws AWS SDK for NGINX with Lua by @adobe-apiplatform - Repository | :
aws lambda get-policy \ --function-name function-name \ --profile adminuser Step 3.2: Add Notification Configuration to Your Bucket Add notification configuration on the examplebucket to request Amazon S3 to publish object-created events to Lambda. In the configuration
    AWS Lambda. Developer Guide - PDF :
aws lambda get-policy \
    Using Resource-Based Policies for AWS Lambda (Lambda Function Policies) - AWS Lambda  :
aws lambda get-policy --function-name HelloWorld
    AWS Lambda: Programmatically Scheduling a CloudWatch Event - DZone Cloud :
aws lambda get-policy --function-name big-mouth-dev-auto-create-api-alarms" and make sure you see something like this:

    auto-create-api-alarms never triggers :
aws lambda get-policy --function-name
    Can't retrieve lambda policy for function created by SAM ‘΅ Issue #307 ‘΅ awslabs/serverless-application-model ‘΅ GitHub :
aws lambda get-policy --function-name HelloWorld
     AWS Lambda: Programmatically scheduling a CloudWatchEvent · Mark Needham :
aws lambda get-policy --function-name MyFunction --region us-east-1
    Amazon CloudWatch Events - ƒ†[ƒU[ƒKƒCƒh :ιƒ’%9D・E¦ιƒ’%9D・EΌιƒ’E§γƒ»EΆιƒ’%9D・EΌιƒ’E§γƒ»E¬ιƒ’E§γƒ»E€ιƒ’%9D%89
aws lambda get-policy --function-name MyFunction --region us-east-1
    [PDF] Amazon CloudWatch Events - ƒ†[ƒU[ƒKƒCƒh - Free Download PDF :

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