Command option Sample:aws lambda update-alias

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Using this API you can update the function version to which the aliaspoints and the alias description.Show details from next link.

aws lambda update-alias --function-name myfunction --name myalias --function-version 2 --routing-config '
    Implementing Canary Deployments of AWS Lambda... - Amazon Web Services News Feed :
aws lambda update-alias --function-name
    How we built for less than $1 a month on AWS | Bad Sector Labs Blog :
aws lambda update-alias \
    Serverless blue green deployments and canary releases with traffic shifting - DEV Community ‍💻👨‍💻 :
aws lambda update-alias --name alias name --function-name function-name \
    Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda Aliases - AWS Lambda  :
aws lambda update-alias --function-name LambdaTest --function-version
    Deploy to AWS Lambda :
aws lambda update-alias --region
    Jenkins routines for AWS Lambda + API Gateway GitHub :
aws lambda update-alias --function-name myFunc --function-version 15 --name blue --routing-config AdditionalVersionWeights=
    Support updating Alias version Issue #64 HyperBrain/serverless-aws-alias GitHub :
aws lambda update-alias --function-name
    AWS Lambda Versions and Aliases » JessesNet Software Development Portfolio and Software Engineering Blog by Jesse Cascio :
aws lambda update-alias --function-name myfunction --name myalias --function-version 2 --routing-config '
    Implementing Canary Deployments of AWS Lambda Functions with Alias Traffic Shifting | Noise :
aws lambda update-alias --function-name
    Package - lymph-devtools :
aws lambda update-alias function-name MY_FUNCTION_ROOT name
    downtoearth PyPI :
aws lambda update-alias --function-name helloworld --name DEV --function-version 3
    jenkins - AWS Lambda Create alias - Stack Overflow :
aws lambda update-alias --function-name Naive_project_hello --name prod --function-version
    Apex Tutorial: Building development-friendly APIs with AWS Lambda and API Gateway – MarketEnterprise Tech Blog :
aws lambda update-alias --name prod --function-name myLambdaFunction
    ٕpIt - ݍH :
aws lambda update-alias \
    AWS Lambda + API Gateway :
aws lambda update-alias ... AdditionalVersionWeights
    Serverless Framework (aws) + RDS. How to handle DB migrations? : devops :
aws lambda update-alias --name alias name --function-name function-
    Overview of Serverless Application Deployment Patterns - AWS Online Tc :

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