Creates a custom slot type or replaces an existing custom slot type.Show details from next link.
aws lex-models put-slot-type \ |
Building chatbot with amazon lex and lambda – Aanu's Blog : |
aws lex-models put-slot-type \ |
Custom Slot Types - Amazon Lex : |
aws lex-models put-slot-type --name FoodEntreeNames --checksum |
GitHub - terrenjpeterson/caloriecounter: AWS Lex based chatbot that calculates calories based on different fast food restaurants. This was an entry for a coding challenge on DevPost, and is actively used on Facebook Messenger. The issues list is actively managed as what defects or improvements are found by real world usage. : |
aws lex-models put-slot-type \ |
Where to find Endpoint in creating aws-cli bots without using amazon-lex? - Stack Overflow : |
aws lex-models put-slot-type --cli-input-json file://slottype-crust.json |
Tutorials / Reactor event aws | Ably Realtime : |