Command option Sample:aws logs delete-log-stream

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Deletes the specified log stream and permanently deletes all thearchived log events associated with the log stream.Show details from next link.

aws logs delete-log-stream \
    AWS Lambda Walkthrough Command Line Companion - :
aws logs delete-log-stream \
    How To Deploy Lambda Using Command Line :
aws logs delete-log-stream --log-group-name my-logs --log-stream-name 20161010

    AWSŠw(ŽO)--CLI—^Cloud Watch & logs - –z“I‰Ž - ITeye”Ž‹q :
aws logs delete-log-stream --log-group-name my-logs --log-stream-name 20161010\n
    AWSŠw(ŽO)--CLI—^Cloud Watch & logs-–z“I‰Ž-51CTO”Ž‹q :
aws logs delete-log-stream --log-group-name my-logs --log-stream-name 20150531
    delete-log-stream — AWS CLI 1.16.10 Command Reference :
aws logs delete-log-stream \
    aws cli ‘µ GitHub :
aws logs delete-log-stream --log-group-name
    amazon web services - delete all log streams of a log group using aws cli - Stack Overflow :
aws logs delete-log-stream \
    Build a simple web application with Amazon AWS ←  :

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