Command option Sample:aws logs describe-export-tasks

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Lists the specified export tasks.Show details from next link.

aws logs describe-export-tasks --status-code "FAILED"
    Export Log Data to Amazon S3 Using the Console - Amazon CloudWatch Logs :
aws logs describe-export-tasks --task-id
    Distributed-CellProfiler/ at master ‘΅ CellProfiler/Distributed-CellProfiler ‘΅ GitHub :
aws logs describe-export-tasks --status-code
    Amazon CloudWatch ƒƒO - ƒ†[ƒU[ƒKƒCƒh :ιƒ’%9D・E­ιƒ’E§γƒ»E°---ιƒ’%9D・E¦ιƒ’%9D・EΌιƒ’E§γƒ»EΆιƒ’%9D・EΌιƒ’E§γƒ»E¬ιƒ’E§γƒ»E€ιƒ’%9D%89

aws ‚ΜƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ˆκ——