Command option Sample:aws opsworks create-layer

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Creates a layer.Show details from next link.

aws opsworks create-layer --stack-id
    Chef Community Cookbooks with AWS OpsWorks Chef 12 - Chef Blog :
aws opsworks create-layer --region us-east-1 --stack-id f6673d70-32e6-4425-8999-265dd002fec7 --type php-app --name MyPHPLayer --shortname myphplayer
    create-layer — AWS CLI 1.16.11 Command Reference :
aws opsworks create-layer --region "us-west-1" --stack-id
    Error Creating EC2 Instance in Custom Layer of OpsWorks Stack 揃 Issue #2734 揃 aws/aws-cli 揃 GitHub :
aws opsworks create-layer --region
    AWS CLI Instance Type problem on create-instance : aws :

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