Command option Sample:aws organizations invite-account-to-organization

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Sends an invitation to another account to join your organization as amember account.Show details from next link.

aws organizations invite-account-to-organization --target Id=222222222222
    Automated AWS Organizations and Linked Account Creation Deep Dive - 2nd Watch :
aws organizations invite-account-to-organization --target
    Announcing AWS Organizations: Centrally Manage Multiple AWS Accounts | AWS Security Blog :
aws organizations invite-account-to-organization --target '
    invite-account-to-organization — AWS CLI 1.16.12 Command Reference :
aws organizations invite-account-to-organization --target '
    Enforcing Compliance with AWS Organizations – Stelligent :
aws organizations invite-account-to-organization --target
    Aws re:Invent 2016 Security Follow Up AWS Organizations :

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