Command option Sample:aws rds copy-db-snapshot

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Copies the specified DB snapshot.Show details from next link.

aws rds copy-db-snapshot \
    Copying RDS DB Snapshots | Skeddly :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot --source-db-snapshot-identifier arn:aws:rds:eu-west-1:XXXX:snapshot:XXX-2017-01-31-04-30 --target-db-snapshot-identifier mydbsnapshotcopy --kms-key-id XXX --region eu-central-1 --source-region eu-west-1
    amazon web services - List encrypted RDS snapshots using CLI - DevOps Stack Exchange :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot \
    Copying a Snapshot - Amazon Relational Database Service :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot --target-region
    Request: aws rds copy-db-snapshot --target-region 揃 Issue #3362 揃 aws/aws-cli 揃 GitHub :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot --source-db-snapshot-identifier arn:aws:rds:ap-south-1:123456789012:snapshot:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20180525 --target-db-snapshot-identifier mydbsnapshotcopy --region ap-southeast-1"
    AWS RDS: Disaster recovery Tensult Blogs Medium :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot --source-db-snapshot-identifier shared-snapshot --target-db-snapshot-identifier local-snapshot
    Continuous Disaster Recovery – tombola operations :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot --source-db-snapshot-identifier arn:aws:rds:eu-west-1:XXXX:snapshot:XXX-2017-01-31-04-30 --target-db-snapshot-identifier mydbsnapshotcopy --kms-key-id XXX --region eu-central-1 --source-region eu-west-1
    amazon web services - How do I automate cross-region copying of encrypted RDS snapshots in AWS? - Stack Overflow :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot --source-db-snapshot-identifier --target-db-snapshot-identifier --kms-key-id arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:
    Enabling KMS encryption for a running Amazon RDS instance - Percona Community Blog :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot \
    How to automate cross-region copying of encrypted RDS snapshots in AWS - Quora :
aws rds copy-db-snapshot source-db-snapshot-identifier \
     How to create RDS in Amazon AWS :

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