Command option Sample:aws route53 change-tags-for-resource

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Adds, edits, or deletes tags for a health check or a hosted zone.Show details from next link.

aws route53 change-tags-for-resource --resource-type healthcheck --resource-id 6233434j-18c1-34433-ba8e-3443434 --add-tags Key=owner
    list-tags-for-resources — AWS CLI 1.16.13 Command Reference :
aws route53 change-tags-for-resource --resource-type hostedzone --resource-id Z2V8OM9UJRMOVJ --add-tags Key=t1
    How fucked is AWS CLI/API – Ilya's blog :
aws route53 change-tags-for-resource (botocore issue 328)
    aws-cli-1.11.104-11.4.1.noarch RPM :
aws route53 change-tags-for-resource --resource-type healthcheck --resource-id
    unable to set name for route53 healthcheck entry - Stack Overflow :

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