Command option Sample:aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration

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Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket.Show details from next link.

aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
    Set Lifecycle Configurations Using the AWS CLI - Amazon Simple Storage Service :
aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
    Migrating On-premise Data to S3 Storage :
aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration --bucket source-backup
    amazon web services - AWS CLI copy life-cycle configuration between buckets - Server Fault :
aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration --bucket ee-shares --profile s3toglacier
    amazon s3 - Lifecycle policy on S3 not working - Stack Overflow :
aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration --bucket wharton-research-Archive
    Wharton Computing :

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