Command option Sample:aws s3api get-bucket-tagging

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Returns the tag set associated with the bucket.Show details from next link.

aws s3api get-bucket-tagging bucket s3://your-data-bucket"
    The Time I Got Drunk On S3 And What I Learned codeburst :
aws s3api get-bucket-tagging --bucket my-bucket
    put-bucket-tagging — AWS CLI 1.16.13 Command Reference :
aws s3api get-bucket-tagging --bucket acg-my-bucket-test-9999
    acloudguru/Cost-Control-3.3-Commands.txt at master 揃 ACloudGuru/acloudguru 揃 GitHub :
aws s3api get-bucket-tagging --bucket
    CLI Reference :

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