Command option Sample:aws s3api restore-object

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Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3Show details from next link.

aws s3api restore-object --restore-request Days=7 --bucket --profile --key "
    A client error (InvalidObjectState) occurred when calling the CopyObject operation: Operation is not valid for the source object's storage class. | capnjosh :
aws s3api restore-object --profile
    Memo/AmazonWebServices/Glacier - DEX Lab :
aws s3api restore-object --bucket bucket-name --key key-name --restore-request Days=1

    Docs: s3api restore-object 揃 Issue #566 揃 aws/aws-cli 揃 GitHub :
aws s3api restore-object --bucket
    Re: [Duplicity-talk] Restoring from Glacier to S3 :
aws s3api restore-object --restore-request Days=
    linux - Is there any way to restore an entire previous version of a folder in an s3 bucket? - Server Fault :
aws s3api restore-object \
    amazon web services - AWS S3 Glacier - Programmatically Initiate Restore - Stack Overflow :
aws s3api restore-object --restore-request Days=7 --bucket /path/folder --key "
     Moving pictures from Amazon Glacier to Amazon Cloud Drive | VanessaSaurus  :
aws s3api restore-object --bucket "
    AWS Restore all glacier objects in a bucket - :
aws s3api restore-object --bucket wharton-research-Archive --key "afile-3.txt" --cli-input-json '
    Wharton Computing :

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