Command option Sample:aws s3 mv

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Moves a local file or S3 object to another location locally or in S3.Show details from next link.

aws s3 mv deploymentss3://walla-oozie/
    Bootstrapping Oozie – Amazon AWS Big Data Demystified :
aws s3 mv s3://stash-qa/demo s3://stash-qa/demo/deployment/stash-demo --recursive
    Upgrade | Stash :
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     site / master / issues / #14078 - Sharing pipeline yml files — Bitbucket :
aws s3 mv s3://from-source/ s3://to-destination/ --recursive
    How to Copy or Move Objects from one S3 bucket to another between AWS Accounts - Part 2 :
aws S3 mv '".storage_path()."/File_storage' S3://folder-storage-example --recursive --acl public-read")
    Bulk upload files to AWS S3 bucket :
aws s3 mv Dropbox/Camera\ Uploads/ s3://dropboxBucket --recursive
    Backing Up Your Mobile Data with AWS Dropbox Automation :
aws s3 mv s3://demo-bucket-cdl/ s3://demo-bucket-cdl/moved/ --exclude \
    Interacting with AWS S3 using Python in a Jupyter notebook – Carolyn Langen :
aws s3 mv s3://email/msg/4eothr4lcmjdkbv4cunbbj985v7avu8c8k29da01
    Receiving Email with Amazon SES - Amazon Simple Email Service - Charming Cloud Blog :
aws s3 mv s3://staging-bucket/test.json s3://staging-bucket/test2.json

aws s3 mv file.txt s3://mybucket/ --grants read=uri= full=emailaddress=user

    mv — AWS CLI 1.16.13 Command Reference :
aws s3 mv /backup s3://
    How can I reduce size of staging backup drive | cPanel Forums :
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    DTR on AWS - back-ups, restoration - Docker Trusted Registry - Docker Forums :
aws s3 mv support this." />
    `aws s3 cp` and `aws s3 mv` don't support adding `x-amz-meta` headers 揃 Issue #1218 揃 aws/aws-cli 揃 GitHub :
aws s3 mv --recursive s3://my-s3/files s3://my-s3/temp

    Migrating On-premise Data to S3 Storage :
aws s3 mv test.txt s3://examplesite"
    How I Pwned a million dollar company!! InfoSec Write-ups Medium :
AWS S3 MV fatal error: (
     aws-s3 by github :
aws s3 mv command
    Limiting bandwidth of the of Amazon aws s3 uploads - Server Fault :
aws s3 mv /var/www/vhosts/
    Media Temple Amazon S3 Backup for DV (this works on other Linux servers too) - Server Side Up :
aws s3 mv const.txt s3://[your-bucket-name]/us-constitution.txt

    Word-count exercise with Spark on Amazon EMR – skipperkongen :
aws s3 mv s3://mybucket/ s3://mybucket2/ --recursive

    amazon web services - aws s3 mv/sync command - Stack Overflow :
aws s3 mv ... --debug 2
    amazon web services - AWS Client S3 mv command is slow - Super User :
aws s3 mv s3://
    AWS-CLI - systemlog :
aws s3 mv mydatabase
     Backing up a database on Amazon S3 - Three99  :
aws s3 mv s3://source/file1.txt s3://destination/file2.txt
    AWS S3 - Indie IT Wiki :
aws s3 mv --profile
    Copying an Object to a Bucket - Documentation - Outscale :
aws s3 mv --profile
    AWS CLI - Bonus Bits :
aws s3 mv s3://roadsensing/new . --recursive

    Equipment :
aws s3 mv \
    HowTo: Move an EC2 Instance Store AMI From One Region to Another - Dowd and Associates :
aws s3 mv . s3://mynewbucket --recursive --exclude '
    AWS CLI Commands For AWS S3 Services - PHP Web Technology Funda | AWS Cloud :
aws s3 mv test.txt s3://hackerone.files
     Amazon Bucket S3 AWS - Mohamed Haron :
aws s3 mv s3://mybucket/test.txt s3://mybucket/test2.txt
    Is it possible to rename files with the aws cli? - Quora :
aws s3 mv s3://bucket/filename_category s3://bucket/category/filename
    Quickly renaming 10s of millions of files in S3? : aws :
aws s3 mv --re..."/>
    AWS CLI and CLOUDIAN HyperStore :
aws s3 mv --recursive s3://bucket/2016-02-08/
    Satya's blog - Moving things in AWS S3 :
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     Bash for loop array | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting :

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