Command option Sample:aws s3 sync

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Syncs directories and S3 prefixes.Show details from next link.

aws s3 sync --delete --acl public-read LOCALDIR/ s3://BUCKET/
    Running aws-cli Commands Inside An AWS Lambda Function - :
aws s3 sync _site/ s3://alexbilbiecom
     Using AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild to update a Jekyll website - Alex Bilbie  :
aws s3 sync /home/myusername/temp/ s3://manning2323
    Unable to run aws s3 sync as a cron job - ask cron.weekly! :
aws s3 sync --delete E:\codebookshelf\sync-sample\ s3://codebookshelf-sync-sample/ --profile codebookshelf-sync-sample
aws s3 sync ./upload_dir s3://backetname
    [AWS] aws s3 sync ./upload_dir s3://xxx region ap-northeast-1 | CodeNote :
aws s3 sync . s3://staging-bucket/temp1

aws s3 sync s3://staging-bucket/temp1 /home/user1/

aws s3 sync s3://staging-bucket/temp1 s3://staging-bucket/temp2

aws s3 sync . s3://staging-bucket/temp1 --exclude "

    AWS S3 SYNC | BMC Communities :
AWS S3 sync multiple domains
    AWS S3 sync multiple domains - Frontend & Integration - Discuss Neos the official forum of the Neos project :
aws s3 sync s3://
    Backing Up Your Amazon S3 Buckets to EC2 :
aws s3 sync s3://saso-test-1 s3://us-east-1-saso-test-1"
    Migrating S3 Buckets Across AWS Accounts Checkr Engineering :
aws-s3-sync tag-backup tag-crontab tag-s3 tag-s3-sync">
    AWS S3 Sync using Crontab - :
aws s3 sync . s3://banks-production-db region=
    AWS Tutorial 3 - Notes on S3 Sync :
aws s3 sync . s3://
    s3 sync broken in 1.14.0 - unexpected keyword argument 'max_bandwidth' ‘µ Issue #3007 ‘µ aws/aws-cli ‘µ GitHub :
aws s3 sync /path/to/language/files s3://remote-bucket-name --delete"
    Keeping files in sync with s3 and AWS CLI Tools | Joe Dixon :
aws s3 sync build s3:// \
     A new way to deploy to Amazon S3 | Jordan Elver | Ruby on Rails Developer, Bristol, UK  :
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket
    Best tools for S3 : Amazon Web Service(AWS) – Neel Bhatt :
aws s3 sync s3://optimal-aws-nz-play-config/ec2-operator /home/ec2-user
    AWS TIPS AND TRICKS: Moving files from s3 to EC2 instance | OptimalBI :
    Gradle - Plugin: com.monochromeroad.s3sync :
aws s3 sync somedir s3://somebucket/. If I have Lifecycle Rules applied to the S3 bucket
    Amazon Web Services (AWS) Archiving - Research-IT :
aws s3 sync --dryrun s3://src/ s3://dest/ --region eu-central-1
    permissions - Access Denied when syncing between s3 buckets on different AWS accounts - Server Fault :
aws s3 sync --recursive localpath s3://bucket-name..." />
    amazon web services - aws s3 sync --recursive not working in windows - Stack Overflow :
aws s3 sync --acl public-read --sse --delete /path/to/static/site/ s3://
    The Ultimate Guide to Deploying Static Sites on AWS - Stormpath User Identity API :
aws s3 sync s3://umbrella-managed-2293370-96b88e0e21ac0136373b7009a340dc5f/ c:\temp\

    How to: Downloading logs from Cisco Umbrella Log Management using the AWS CLI – Cisco Umbrella :
aws s3 sync . s3://example-bucket"
    Synchronizing AWS S3 an Overview techburst :
aws s3 sync s3://my-current-bucket s3://my-backup-bucket
    Backing up an s3 bucket to another s3 bucket :
aws s3 sync _site/ s3://BUCKET --delete --exclude '
     | article | DevOps as a Service on AWS :
AWS S3 Sync Issues" />
    Bountysource :
AWS S3 Sync and Upload Methods\n\nThere are several methods used to get data from on-premise or other cloud storage systems to S3 buckets and vice versa
    Data Sync to AWS S3 - Overview and Best Practices | Codementor :
aws s3 sync s3://billing-example s3://billing-example-copy
    HowTo: Mirror S3 Buckets - Dowd and Associates :
AWS S3 sync - only modified files
    AWS S3 sync - only modified files, using git status | Lambros Petrou :
aws s3 sync --delete /var/www/html/ s3://maad-backup/html")
    S3 Sync - Danger! - Matt Healy - Web Developer - Perth, Western Australia :
aws s3 sync command line

    s3sync function | R Documentation :
aws s3 sync --sse aws:kms --profile USER-B-CROSS-ACCOUNT-PROFILE s3://ACCOUNT-A-BUCKET-NAME/ s3://ACCOUNT-B-BUCKET-NAME/
    Providing cross-account Amazon S3 Access :
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket f:\\test\\test"
    AWSCLI: "aws s3 sync" increase threads? : aws :
aws s3 sync --delete ./ s3://
    AWS Black Belt Online Seminar 2017 AWS‘ÌŒ±ƒnƒ“ƒYƒIƒ“`Amazon S3 ƒoƒbƒNƒAƒbƒv` :
aws s3 sync s3://
    Set Up AWS CLI and Download Your S3 Files From the Command Line | Viget :

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