Command option Sample:aws ses send-bulk-templated-email

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

Composes an email message to multiple destinations.Show details from next link.

aws ses send-bulk-templated-email --cli-input-json file://mybulkemail.json

    Introducing Email Templates and Bulk Sending | AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog :
aws ses send-bulk-templated-email --cli-input-json
    Sending Personalized Email Using the Amazon SES API - Amazon Simple Email Service  :
aws ses send-bulk-templated-email --cli-input-json file://example-email.json
    lambdatv/ at master 揃 jeshan/lambdatv 揃 GitHub :
aws ses send-bulk-templated-email cli-input-json file://example-email.json"
    Send and receive email for serverless developers LambdaTV Medium :
aws ses send-bulk-templated-email --cli-input-json mybulkemail.json

    Brent Meyer | Noise :
aws ses send-bulk-templated-email --cli-input-json file://example-email.json

     Send and receive email for serverless developers · LambdaTV  :

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