Command option Sample:aws sns unsubscribe

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Deletes a subscription.Show details from next link.

aws sns unsubscribe \
    Subscribing AWS Lambda Function To SNS Topic With aws-cli - :
aws sns unsubscribe --subscription-arn "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:0123456789012:my-topic:8a21d249-4329-4871-acc6-7be709c6ea7f"
    unsubscribe — AWS CLI 1.16.13 Command Reference :
aws sns unsubscribe --subscription-arn
    Logging & Notifications — Fugue Documentation :
aws sns unsubscribe --subscription-arn arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:111111159025:example01:1328f057-de93-4c15-512e-8bb2268db8c4

    AWS CLI :
aws sns unsubscribe --subscription-arn arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-topic:1328f057-de93-4c15-512e-8bb2268db8c4
    aws-cli-user-guide/ at master 揃 awsdocs/aws-cli-user-guide 揃 GitHub :
AWS SNS Unsubscribe loop is not releasing memory - Causing Jetsam to kill app
    ios - AWS SNS Unsubscribe loop is not releasing memory - Causing Jetsam to kill app - Stack Overflow :
aws sns unsubscribe --subscription-arn EnterSubscriptionARN

How To Delete AWS SNS Topic Using CLI:

    PHP Web Technology Funda I AWS Cloud - ホーム | Facebook :
aws sns unsubscribe subscription-arn
    Deployment and Management on AWS:窶ィ A Deep Dive on Options and Tools :

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